On 3/21/2024 4:52 PM, Sygmund_F aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched, aka
Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka
Jew Hating Nazi, aka GOD, aka TheWiz, aka Commie Faggot, aka ObyOne
Texanfuckah, aka F4Phantom, aka Darren Thorneton,
the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a three
letter athlete, was *NEVER* a soldier, *NEVER* a biker, *NEVER* a
security guard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid,
but just a pole-puffing, no-fight, squat-to-piss, shrieking,
Post by Sygmund_Fhttps://www.facebook.com/mona.shaw/posts/10160660863645129
Sygmund Froyd
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
A mental disorder in which he has an inflated sense of his own
importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
But behind the mask of ultra confidence lies a fragile self-esteem
that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Narsehole Gerry talking
I hated Americans and began by insulting the Americans and their
Country. The use of profanity was constant and widespread. For some
reason, I thought others would support me in my tirade against the
Americans but it soon became apparent that even the New Zealanders
couldn't stomach my over the top stupidity. I continued with my
socialized political ranting and terrorist sympathizer messages even
after statements from practically everyone in the group that I was
trolling and I should cease. I had no interest in flight simulation,
only in furthering my own anti-capitalist ideology.
Recognizing I was a troll people started blocking me by placing my
pseudonym in a "killfile". This way any post I made would not show up on
their message list and they would not be subjected to the profanity and
stupidity of my ranting. I wouldn't have this, I started utilizing new
pseudonyms to bypass the kill filters to make sure I would disturb each
and every person in the group. Before I was through I was using over 38
unique pseudonyms. At one time I bragged I would "bury the group" and
bury it I did.
Obviously, this could not go on long before people got tired of it and
left. Soon most of the good contributors departed the group, not willing
to be further subjected to my profanity-laced rants and political preaching.
What is left are the ashes you see today. With my constantly babbling
and Cyril's persistent whining, it's a cesspool of swirling crap. Just
what I wanted when I started my campaign of destruction.
As an interesting side note, this is the same result I obtained in
another friendly newsgroup (aus.motorcycles) when I destroyed that one
with my mentally deranged ranting not long before I joined AGMFS. As a
result, the members of aus.motorcycles moved to FACEBOOK to get away
from me. I was not allowed to join them there and would have been banned
if I had tried to join.
The members of AGMFS that remained moved away from the newsgroup to a
forum where I could be banned to get away from my marginal mental cognition.
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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
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Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?
Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:
Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?
Let the good times roll...
Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!
Offense is always free in usenet
Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal-retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiter's, Bacon Boys, paranoid schizophrenics and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.
POSER - Exaggerator
Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.
Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought-provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.
The facts speak for themselves:
Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracize them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.
Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.
*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average