2013-10-30 20:52:38 UTC
Remember the Reno Air Races in Sept 2011 and Jimmy Leeward's horrific
P-51 crashed? The media reported 3 people were killed? Today I was
looking at the HIGH-RES photos and videos.. and determined that a LOW
death toll was report for PR reasons.
IIRC.. I also posted the crash seemed too much like a precision strike
and as such was suspicious. The P-51 did indeed crash into the VIP
area between seating sections, dead center along the flight line. This
incredible circumstance (VIP section and center flight line) is an
extraordinary coincidence!
There's plenty to look over. See one photo with chunks of flesh and
severed body parts scattered about the ramp. Can you believe it??

Article about injured spectators 1 year later
in between, and carped walkways between sections. Crater on LEFT.
This article says the race was a "circus"
P-51 crashed? The media reported 3 people were killed? Today I was
looking at the HIGH-RES photos and videos.. and determined that a LOW
death toll was report for PR reasons.
IIRC.. I also posted the crash seemed too much like a precision strike
and as such was suspicious. The P-51 did indeed crash into the VIP
area between seating sections, dead center along the flight line. This
incredible circumstance (VIP section and center flight line) is an
extraordinary coincidence!
There's plenty to look over. See one photo with chunks of flesh and
severed body parts scattered about the ramp. Can you believe it??
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(wrong location - shows crash on tarmac, not in VIP area)
Loading Image...Article about injured spectators 1 year later "nine others died" (site is slow - be patient)
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(from NTSB - shows correct crash site)
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(3500×2333 - impact site)
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(1920×1080 - poor quality)
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(4000×746 - debris field mosaic)
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See how there are two 'rows' of carpeted seating sections with 'space'Loading Image...
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in between, and carped walkways between sections. Crater on LEFT.
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(3288×2127 - impact site)
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This article says the race was a "circus"
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(950×448) (3132×2292)
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(2329×1671 - severed arm and chunks of flesh)
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NTSB:Loading Image... (3132×2292)
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Report: (report says nine fatalities + one pilot)