OT - In WWII the US was fighting fascism. And now?
(too old to reply)
2024-10-12 00:27:35 UTC

Sygmund Froyd
Gerry's Nightmare
2024-10-12 17:54:31 UTC
On 10/11/2024 7:27 PM, Sygmund_F aka Gerry Binder, the DAG licking, aka
Nurse Ratched, aka Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka
waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka Jew Hating Nazi, aka GOD, aka TheWiz, aka
Commie Faggot, aka ObyOne Texanfuckah, aka F4Phantom, aka Darren Thorneton,
the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a three
letter athlete, was *NEVER* a soldier, *NEVER* a biker, *NEVER* a
security guard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid,
but just a pole-puffing, no-fight, squat-to-piss, shrieking,
Sygmund Froyd
Same thing... we're fighting the fascist DemoKKKrats.

Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the
Nazi Party


The Democrat party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in
1828 by a virulently racist president, Andrew Jackson. It was the party
of slavery and the Confederacy, it initiated racial segregation by
legislating and brutally enforcing Jim Crow laws. It unabashedly
aligned with and supported the Ku Klux Klan for over nine decades, thus
promoting antisemitism, religious persecution and xenophobia. Over the
past 60 years, the Party has embraced and promulgated cultural Marxism
which espouses the transformation of traditional American culture and
society. The Party has succeeded in undermining the family structure
and religious freedom as well as mainstreaming abortions up to the point
of birth and what was once considered deviancy.

The Democrat party’s two most exalted figureheads are the fervently
racist Woodrow Wilson who set the Party on the path of undermining the
Constitution in order to remold the United States into a “modern
administrative state” (i.e., socialist) and Franklin Roosevelt who was
enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his “New Deal” thus
permanently embedding them in the Party’s psyche.

An unemotional examination of the underlying philosophies and the
tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power reveals not just
the common impulse to weaponize the judiciary to eradicate one’s
political opponents (e.g., Donald Trump) but numerous other similarities
between the Nazis and the Democrat party that cannot be ignored. Here
are eight uncomfortable dimensions of that resemblance.

First, racial and ethnic division was a central component of Nazi
political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was the most racially
obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is
second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece
of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect
of American society, even weather and climate are framed in imaginary

The Nazi Party’s obsession focused on their perverted belief in the
inferiority and superiority of the races or ethnicities. This opened
the door for blaming a specific ethnic group for all the problems facing
their country. The Democrat party is claiming the root cause of
virtually all problems facing this nation is “systemic racism” as
theoretically instigated by one particular race.

The Nazis used “fake news,” as does the Democrat party, in order to
slice and dice the populace into identity groups and then promulgate
grievance-riddled policies aimed at these manufactured factions in order
to foment anger at a previously isolated group. Which for the Nazis
were the Jews; and for the Democrat party, white heterosexual Christians
and Jews.

Second, In the 1920s and early 1930s, the Nazi Party relied on street
riots, property damage and gratuitous violence utilizing their militant
cadre, the Sturmabteilung (SA), to project power through intimidation
while blaming others for the violence. Their ability to terrorize the
citizenry and national political leadership played a major role in their
ascendance to power as they promised peace and impartial justice if
elected. Almost immediately upon assuming the reins of government, they
transformed the judicial system into a vehicle of oppression directed
their political foes and the Jews while their allies were not prosecuted
for any criminal activity.

The Democrat party revealed in the summer of 2020 that they, too, have
the wherewithal and inclination to acquiesce to street riots, property
damage and gratuitous violence utilizing their militant cadre, Antifa
and Black Lives Matter, to project power through intimidation while
blaming white supremacy and police brutality for the violence. In the
presidential campaign of 2020, the Democrat party implicitly promised
peace and impartial justice if elected. Almost immediately upon
assuming the reins of government, they transformed the Justice
Department into a vehicle of oppression directed at their political
foes, Donald Trump and all Constitutional conservatives, while their
allies were either not prosecuted or treated extraordinarily leniently.

Third, in January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.
Within four weeks a mysterious, and in all likelihood staged, fire broke
out in the Reichstag (Congress) Building which the Nazis blamed on
Communist agitators as their opening salvo in a violent coup. Using
this pretext, the Nazis rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute selected
elements of their political adversaries, thus intimidating the balance.
They also forced through the Reichstag the Enabling Act of 1933 in March
of the same year. This law embedded the Nazis as the sole dominant
political party and ensured that only the Nazis could win future elections.

The Democrat party seized upon in all likelihood a setup disturbance at
the Capitol on January 6, 2021 to proclaim that it was an “armed
insurrection” and the opening salvo in a violent coup attempt by Trump,
his supporters and white supremacists. Using this pretext, the
Democrats rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute those in attendance in
order to intimidate their political enemies. In the footsteps of the
Nazi Party, the Democrats immediately pushed to pass the For The People
Act, which would have overturned virtually all existing voter laws,
embedded the Democrats as the sole dominant political party and ensured
that only the Democrats could win future elections.

Fourth, antisemitism was a foundational principle of Nazism.
Antisemitism, through the Democrats’ nine-decade alliance with the Ku
Klux Klan, has long been foundational in the Democrat party. Today,
many elected Democrats openly denigrate the state of Israel, glorify the
Palestinian terrorists, and claim that Jews are disloyal. Thus,
fomenting an exponential increase in anti-Jewish attacks in America’s
major cities.

Meanwhile, virtually the entire Democrat hierarchy bows at the feet of
America’s most virulent antisemite, Louis Farrakhan, who has referred to
Judaism as the “religion of Satan” and Adolf Hitler as “a very great
man.” This obeisance to Farrakhan and his ilk is concordant with the
mindless acceptance of unbridled antisemitism by the hierarchy of the
Nazi Party in the mid-to-late 1920’s.

Fifth, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any
cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support
them. Further, per socialist dogma, they were determined to destroy the
family structure, replacing it with the state. The Nazis were
notorious for book-burning rituals to intimidate and send the message
that they would shut down anyone and anything that did not align with
their ideology. Once in control of the national levers of powers, they
did so with impunity particularly in the education sector whose revised
primary purpose was to brainwash the youth.

The Democrat Party is figuratively burning books as it uses social media
mobs as the vehicle to send the message that they will shut down anyone
or anything that does not align with their ideology. Further, they, in
league with the teachers’ unions, are hellbent on programming America’s
youth and destroying the family structure replacing it with the state.

Sixth, the Nazis perfected the art of indoctrinating the citizenry
through propaganda and “fake news.” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of
Propaganda, is credited with saying: “If you tell a lie big enough and
keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

This strategy has been and continues to be used to great success by the
Democrat party and their fellow travelers in the so-called mainstream
media. Whether it is the Russian collusion hoax, the so-called armed
insurrection on January 6, 2021, climate change as an existential threat
to mankind, suppression of voting rights, white supremacy running
rampant, the necessity of lockdowns for the Covid pandemic or a myriad
of other fabrications, the Party hierarchy lies with impunity as a means
to their ends… as did the Nazis.

Seventh, the Nazis, true to socialist ideology, preyed on class envy to
stoke tensions and resentment as they blamed the Jews and wealthy
capitalists for their nation’s economic woes. The Democrat party
hierarchy began in 2009 blaming so-called “white supremacy” together
with their century-old tactic of blaming wealthy capitalists for income
and economic inequality in order to foment class envy and resentment.

But the similarity does not end there. In an extraordinary
juxtaposition, the Nazis were able to vilify the wealthy and the
industrialists while the subjects of their vitriol financed the Nazi
Party. Hitler assured the German corporate titans that, despite their
rhetoric, the Nazis would leave them alone and award them lucrative
contracts if they sustained the Party through massive financial support.

The Democrat Party has established a similar rapport with the corporate
establishment, in particular the finance and tech sectors. In the
belief that they will be left alone by the Democrat party, the American
corporate elites have financed the party out to destroy capitalism.

Eighth, Hitler, after serving in World War I, was an avowed communist
who eventually joined the National Socialist Party, later renamed the
National Socialist Workers (NAZI) Party. He did so because it was
larger and also espoused Marxism/socialism. Influenced by Mussolini and
his Fascist Party, in the 1920s the National Socialist Party adopted
extreme nationalism and government-controlled capitalism as a part of
their foundational Marxist/socialist underpinning.

While flirting with it for a number of decades, in the latter half of
the Twentieth Century the Democrat party began to fully embrace an
American version of the Marxism/socialism that underpinned the NAZI
Party. Mark Levin in his seminal work American Marxism, lays out in
detail this metamorphosis. For all intents and purposes, the Democrat
party could easily be renamed: The National Marxist/Socialist Party.

The greatest threat to the survival of United States as founded is not
offshore but within its borders: the Democrat party.
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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
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Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?

Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:

Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?

Let the good times roll...

Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!

Offense is always free in usenet

Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal-retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiter's, Bacon Boys, paranoid schizophrenics and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.


POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought-provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracize them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.

*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average


Nurse Ratched
2024-10-13 00:46:07 UTC
On Sat, 12 Oct 2024 12:54:31 -0500, Gerry's Worst Nightmare, whose
real name is Bob Smith, who has also used the pseudonyms Bully boB,
Bob_Copter_Six, and Truth Sayer, and who is an AR-15 loving,
Trump-voting Texan who gobbles up fake news from Stormfront,
Breitbart, Infowars and The Daily Stormer, who is also an obnoxious,
lying, defamatory, CYBERSTALKING, neo-Nazi white supremacist
"patriot" TOXIC ABUSE TROLL, most likely a member of white nationalist
terror groups such as "Atomwaffen", "The Oath Keepers", "The Base", or
"The Proud Boys', and who was majorly instrumental in the destruction
Post by Gerry's Nightmare
Same thing... we're fighting the fascist DemoKKKrats.
Bwahahahaha... BullyBob, the fascist, neo-Nazi, white supremacist
Trump toiboi is calling the Democrats "fascists"? That's gotta be
either a classic case of projection, or it's a clear sign of total
brain fuckedness.


Love and kisses,


=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer,
a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's
"offensive" sigs. Classic examples of which are as
Post by Gerry's Nightmare
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
Post by Gerry's Nightmare
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has
uttered, but, for some weird unfathomable reason
(maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is NOT offended
when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass
murder all over this planet to further its own corrupt
empire and calling that "fighting for freedom and

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination
plots in other countries because their leaders are not

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes
which are not "US-friendly".***

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic,
mass murderous regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations
vacuum huge profits out of their countries whilst
paying local employees peanuts and avoiding local

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs
who, like himself, were once suckered into that
mass-murderous shit-storm which is US foreign policy,
but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT
accomplished by participating in or condoning
America's mass murder of millions in order to "liberate"
them so as to expose their countries to economic rape
and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets
all over their countryside which will continue to kill
and maim innocent civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent
orange" or depleted uranium, thereby making millions of
innocent civilians sick and causing millions of birth
defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another
country's sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror
suspects" without affording said "suspects" anything
even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in
the form of harmless, tiny little electronic characters
appearing on people's monitors, tablets or cell
phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally only
experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists
for state sanctioned mass murder and the glorification
of war.

Gerry's Nightmare
2024-10-13 16:36:47 UTC
On 10/12/2024 7:46 PM, Nurse Ratched aka Gerry Binder, the DAG licking,
aka Nurse Ratched, aka Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka
waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka Jew Hating Nazi, aka GOD, aka TheWiz, aka
Commie Faggot, aka ObyOne Texanfuckah, aka F4Phantom, aka Darren
Thorneton, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy —
*NOT* a three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a soldier, *NEVER* a biker,
*NEVER* a security guard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER*
been laid, but just a pole-puffing, no-fight, squat-to-piss, shrieking,
Post by Nurse Ratched
On Sat, 12 Oct 2024 12:54:31 -0500, Gerry's Worst Nightmare, whose
real name is Bob Smith, who has also used the pseudonyms Bully boB,
Bob_Copter_Six, and Truth Sayer, and who is an AR-15 loving,
Trump-voting Texan who gobbles up fake news from Stormfront,
Breitbart, Infowars and The Daily Stormer, who is also an obnoxious,
lying, defamatory, CYBERSTALKING, neo-Nazi white supremacist
"patriot" TOXIC ABUSE TROLL, most likely a member of white nationalist
terror groups such as "Atomwaffen", "The Oath Keepers", "The Base", or
"The Proud Boys', and who was majorly instrumental in the destruction
Post by Gerry's Nightmare
Same thing... we're fighting the fascist DemoKKKrats.
Bwahahahaha... BullyBob, the fascist, neo-Nazi, white supremacist
Trump toiboi is calling the Democrats "fascists"? That's gotta be
either a classic case of projection, or it's a clear sign of total
brain fuckedness.
Love and kisses,

The narcissist fuckwit faggot Gerry Binder is still alive.....

I have nothing against faggots of course, you be you.

Here's one from Arthur. It seems quite appropriate at the moment... :)

There's no hope, dickwad, so do us all a favour, and find another
group to harass.

A few years ago, when we were really having fun here, we occasionally
debated the use of 'off topic' posts, including jokes, greetings,
announcements and current events of interest. We wished each other
Happy Valentines Day, Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, Happy Birthday,
Happy 4th of July, Happy Thanksgiving, etc. and it made us feel warm
and friendly. These posts were interspersed with others concerning
aviation and use of the simulators.

None of us, including subscribers from other parts of the world,
objected to these 'off topic' posts and often participated. Our
reasoning was, that pilots often congregate in hangar coffee shops and
discuss matters of the world and heart with their buddies with which
they have so much in common. They didn't just talk 'flight talk'.

Naturally, on occasion, topics arose which were controversial and some
arguments ensued, but there were none as venomous, crude, fanatical or
loathsome as the ones you present to us. You have reduced the art of
conversation to its lowest levels, and are depriving those of us who
enjoy a bit of political and personal banter along with news of
aviation, which is our common interest.

You, Walt, are a spoiler. You are in the process of spoiling a group
which has been deemed to be one of the best on Usenet because of its
civility, usefulness, calibre of subscribers and well-meaning. You
are a malignancy eating away at the fabric of this group, and for no
good reason. You are the same type of insidious deviate who spends
time creating viruses to ruin computers of millions of people he
doesn't even know, just for the sake of destroying them and making
them suffer, probably because he is deprived somehow.

Unfortunately, Walt, you are not alone. You share your same theology
and rhetoric with every Arab terrorist who walks this planet. You are
an earwig digging into the minds of the people here and due to the
nature of the medium, we can't get rid of you although we can taste
how much we want to.

You are a a disgrace to your country and to yourself. You are the
drunken, sick uncle at a party who just won't leave until he's puked
himself silly all over every carpet in the house.

There's no hope for you, Walt, and if there was any way I thought I
could hurt you, I would. However, at this point in time the only
thing I can say is 'God Bless America, its government and it's
systems. May all of my American friends have a great Thanksgiving,
because they deserve it and I hope they get out on that day, and enjoy
some real spending in the stores and show some of the lesser nations
of the world how life should be carried out'.

God Bless Sarah Palin, John McCain, The Tea Party, Yhe Republican
Party, and Bristol Palin for making it to the finals of Dancing With
the Stars even though she is totally mediocre.....but her mommy has
lots of friends.

Now, go have a nice, long swig of hemlock, Walt and allow us to
celebrate your demise.



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Just for you fuckwit...


