An American View of Oz
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Nick O'Tyme
2023-02-11 02:23:57 UTC
Interesting set of observations from a visitor from the other side of the
Pacific. 'Value what you have and don't give it away.' There's a lot to
admire about Australia, especially if you're a visiting American, says David
Mason. More often than you might expect, Australian friends patiently
listening to me enthuse about their country have said, ''We need outsiders
like you to remind us what we have.'' So here it is - a small presumptuous
list of what one foreigner admires in Oz.
1. Health care. I know the controversies, but basic national healthcare is a
gift. In America, medical expenses are a leading cause of bankruptcy. The
drug companies dominate politics and advertising.
Obama was crucified for taking halting baby steps towards sanity. You can't
turn on the telly without hours of drug advertisements - something I have
never yet seen here. And your emphasis on prevention - making cigarettes
less accessible, for one - is a model.
2. Food. Yes, we have great food in America too, especially in the big
cities. But your bread is less sweet, your lamb is cheaper, and your
supermarket vegetables and fruits are fresher than ours.
Too often in my country an apple is a ball of pulp as big as your face.
The dainty Pink Lady apples of Oz are the juiciest I've had. And don't get
me started on coffee.
In American small towns it tastes like water flavoured with burnt dirt, but
the smallest shop in the smallest town in Oz can make a first-rate latte.
I love your ubiquitous bakeries, your hot-cross buns. Shall I go on?
3. Language. How do you do it?
The rhyming slang and Aboriginal place names like magic spells.
Words that seem vaguely English yet also resemble an argot from another
I love the way institutional names get turned into diminutives - Vinnie's
and Salvos - and absolutely nothing is sacred.
Everything's an opportunity for word games and everyone's a nickname.
Lingo makes the world go round.
It's the spontaneous wit of the people that tickles me most.
Late one night at a barbie my new mate Suds remarked, ''Nothing's the same
since 24-7.'' Amen.
4. Free-to-air TV. In Oz, you buy a TV, plug it in and watch some of the
best programming I have ever seen - uncensored.
In America, you can't get diddly-squat without paying a cable or satellite
company heavy fees.
In Oz a few channels make it hard to choose.
In America, you've got 400 channels and nothing to watch.
5. Small shops. Outside the big cities in America corporations have nearly
erased them.
Identical malls with identical restaurants serving inferior food.
Except for geography, it's hard to tell one American town from another.
The ''take-away'' culture here is wonderful.
Human encounters are real - stirring happens, stories get told.
The curries are to die for. And you don't have to tip!
6. Free camping. We used to have this too, and I guess it's still free when
you backpack miles away from the roads.
But I love the fact that in Oz everyone owns the shore and in many places
you can pull up a camper van and stare at the sea for weeks.
I love the ''primitive'' and independent campgrounds, the life outdoors.
The few idiots who leave their stubbies and rubbish behind in these pristine
places ought to be transported in chains.
7. Religion. In America, it's everywhere - especially where it's not
supposed to be, like politics.
I imagine you have your Pharisees too, making a big public show of devotion,
but I have yet to meet one here.
8. Roads. Peak hour aside, I've found travel on your roads pure heaven.
My country's ''freeways'' are crowded, crumbling, insanely knotted with
looping overpasses - it's like racing homicidal maniacs on fraying
I've taken the Hume without stress, and I love the Princes Highway when it's
two lanes.
Ninety minutes south of Bateman's Bay I was sorry to see one billboard for a
McDonald's. It's blocking a lovely paddock view. Someone should remove it.
9. Real multiculturalism. I know there are tensions, just like anywhere
else, but I love the distinctiveness of your communities and the way you
publicly acknowledge the Aboriginal past.
Recently, too, I spent quality time with Melbourne Greeks, and was gratified
both by their devotion to their own great language and culture and their
openness to an Afghan lunch.
10. Fewer guns. You had Port Arthur in 1996 and got real in response.
America replicates such massacres several times a year and nothing changes.
Our religion of individual rights makes the good of the community an
impossible dream.
Instead of mateship we have ''It's mine and nobody else's'.
We talk a great game about freedom, but too often live in fear.
There's more to say - your kaleidoscopic birds, your perfumed bush in
springtime, your vast beaches.
These are just a few blessings that make Australia a rarity.
Of course, it's not paradise - nowhere is - but I love it here.
No need to wave flags like Americans and add to the world's windiness.
Just value what you have and don't give it away.
David Mason is a US writer and professor, and poet laureate of Colorado
.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2023-02-11 16:13:57 UTC
On 2/10/2023 8:23 PM, Nick O'Tyme Niche O'Stinking Twats aka Cyril
Mellor, the Porky Pig, Golliwog, Pommy, flying monkey, Tea-wop, Fog
Posted by a guy living in the racist Capitol of the world, Australia.

Obviously written by a racist leftist piece of shit. They are the only
ones that like total government control of their lives and getting free
shit without having to work, not realizing the working class has to foot
the bill.

Do a Google group search for "racist" in AGMFS and Lordy... Gerry and
Cyril call everyone a RACIST. They use that word so much, it's obvious
they are PROJECTING. They are racist sons of bitches.

Australia has NEVER acknowledged their racist ways, and instead resorted
to pointing the finger to other nations or flat out denying their racist

A few of their racist ways are yelling insults in broad daylight,
beatings at night, denial of jobs, tenancy, dates, seating in public
events, appointments etc etc.


I have heard Aboriginal people referred to as “abos,” “niggers,”
“boongs” and “coons,”

I have heard Italians called “wogs,” Muslims called “towelheads” and

Australia’s “White Australia Policy” lasting until the mid-1970s

Mark Latham calls for 'whites' and 'straights' to take back Australia

Woman's racist abuse filmed on packed train in Sydney


America is the least racist Harvard.....




Michael Moore Debunks Claim That Trump Voters Are Racist
“The vast majority of white Americans voted for Barack Obama, and now
the vast majority of Americans are voting for Donald Trump,”

Liberals Say If You’re Patriotic, You’re Racist

I just can’t handle the pressure of everyone calling me a racist for
supporting Trump anymore, so to appease people that I don’t even know
that hate me, I will stop.


If you choose to fake disabilities as an excuse for laziness to draw
social security disability…… it's YOUR FAULT, not white folks.

The Democrat Party is the world’s most successful hate group. It
attracts poor people who hate rich people, black people who hate white
people, gay people who hate straight people, feminists who hate men,
environmentalists who hate the internal combustion engine, and a lot of
bratty college kids who hate their parents. However, the real secret of
the party’s success is that it attracts the support of journalists who
hate Republicans, and who therefore work tirelessly to convince the rest
of us that we should vote for Democrats...

No matter who the Republicans nominate for president, the Organized
Forces of Liberal Journalism will paint him as a greedy, cold-hearted,
woman-hating racist. If the GOP nominated a Buddhist monk or a Latina
lesbian, still the New York Times and NBC News would find a way to
convince themselves that the Republican candidate represented everything
liberals hate about America — the military, the police, Christianity,
capitalism, the internal combustion engine and heterosexual white men
who work for a living.
Robert McLaughlin


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Cyril - Nazi Sympathizer
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A limerick I found on a door:

Gerry and Jill went up the hill
so Gerry could lick her slit
But Gerry got a shock
with a mouthful of cock
cause Jill’s real name was Nick

and Gerry liked Jill even more
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.
Nick O'Tyme
2023-02-12 03:34:43 UTC
On 2/10/2023 8:23 PM, Nick O'Tyme Niche O'Stinking Twats aka Cyril Mellor,
the Porky Pig, Golliwog, Pommy, flying monkey, Tea-wop, Fog Horn,
Post by Nick O'Tyme
Poor Bob. He's so easy to bait. Eminently predictable.

Nick - 1
Bob - 0
.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2023-02-12 17:29:01 UTC
On 2/11/2023 9:34 PM, Nick O'Tyme Niche O'Stinking Twats aka Cyril
Mellor, the Porky Pig, Golliwog, Pommy, flying monkey, Tea-wop, Fog
Post by Nick O'Tyme
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
On 2/10/2023 8:23 PM, Nick O'Tyme Niche O'Stinking Twats aka Cyril
Mellor, the Porky Pig, Golliwog, Pommy, flying monkey, Tea-wop, Fog
Poor Bob. He's so easy to bait. Eminently predictable.
Nick - 1
Bob - 0
Girly Man Alert!!

Again this "man"(?) is whining like a little girl, wuss, wimp, loser,
punk, bitch, sissy, jerk-off, drama queen, pansy, crybaby, heshe and a

He is weak, pathetic, soft and prissy and engorged with estrogen.

He continuously whines and bitches about shit that doesn't concern him
and throws temper tantrums like a 5-year-old girl.


Offense is always free in usenet
*Psychopath: A Journey Through the Madness*

Cyril Mellor complained that his privacy was invaded, but he has no
problem invading other people privacy. Years ago, he wrote this:

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 10:44:58 +0800
From: Nick O'Tyme <***@hotmail.com>

I have contacted his ISP (4 times) but they have taken no action. I'm
not sure there is anything else I can do other than to contact you.

I do not like having to do this but I do not wish the problem to
escalate further.


Cyril Mellor
27/158 Bibra Drive
Bibra Lake
Western Australia 6163

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Cyril - Nazi Sympathizer
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A limerick I found on a door:

Gerry and Jill went up the hill
so Gerry could lick her slit
But Gerry got a shock
with a mouthful of cock
cause Jill’s real name was Nick

and Gerry liked Jill even more
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.
Nick O'Tyme
2023-02-13 03:44:23 UTC
On 2/11/2023 9:34 PM, Nick O'Tyme Niche O'Stinking Twats aka Cyril Mellor,
the Porky Pig, Golliwog, Pommy, flying monkey, Tea-wop, Fog Horn,
Post by Nick O'Tyme
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
On 2/10/2023 8:23 PM, Nick O'Tyme Niche O'Stinking Twats aka Cyril
Mellor, the Porky Pig, Golliwog, Pommy, flying monkey, Tea-wop, Fog
Post by Nick O'Tyme
Poor Bob. He's so easy to bait. Eminently predictable.
Nick - 1
Bob - 0
Nick - 2
Bob - 0
Nurse Ratched
2023-02-13 19:55:35 UTC
Post by Nick O'Tyme
Nick - 2
Bob - 0
AmeriKKKans, after 70 years if intense brainwashing, firmly believe
they are winning when they are losing.

Cognitive dissonance is now so entrenched in their minds that it has
utterly replaced reason. The are fucked, and their own security
services have done it to them. What a joke...


=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer,
a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's
"offensive" sigs. Classic examples of which are as
Post by Nick O'Tyme
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
Post by Nick O'Tyme
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has
uttered, but, for some weird unfathomable reason
(maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is NOT offended
when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass
murder all over this planet to further its own corrupt
empire and calling that "fighting for freedom and

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination
plots in other countries because their leaders are not

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes
which are not "US-friendly".***

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic,
mass murderous regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations
vacuum huge profits out of their countries whilst
paying local employees peanuts and avoiding local

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs
who, like himself, were once suckered into that
mass-murderous shit-storm which is US foreign policy,
but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT
accomplished by participating in or condoning
America's mass murder of millions in order to "liberate"
them so as to expose their countries to economic rape
and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets
all over their countryside which will continue to kill
and maim innocent civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent
orange" or depleted uranium, thereby making millions of
innocent civilians sick and causing millions of birth
defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another
country's sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror
suspects" without affording said "suspects" anything
even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in
the form of harmless, tiny little electronic characters
appearing on people's monitors, tablets or cell
phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally only
experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists
for state sanctioned mass murder and the glorification
of war.

