OT - What goes around, comes around...
(too old to reply)
2020-07-03 03:06:46 UTC

Get this:

In the 70s and 80s AmeriKKKa, via its CIA, trained and armed Muslim extremists (who later
morphed into the Taliban and al Qaeda) in Afghanistan (and Reagan called them "freedom
fighters") in order to kill Russian soldiers in Afghanistan (who were there by invitation
of the Afghan government.)

These AmeriKKKan trained and armed Muslim extremists (they weren't called terrorists yet)
eventually drove the Russians out and took over the country. They were now called the
Taliban and some of their veteran friends friends formed an exclusive club called al
Qaeda. And they had no love for AmeriKKKan foreign policy in the Middle East.

Fast forward to 2020: It now emerges that AmeriKKKans think it is terribly unfair and
wrong that Russia (Trump loves Russia) is paying Taliban soldiers to kill AmeriKKKan

Go figure...

Sygmund Froyd
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.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2020-07-03 16:05:12 UTC
On 7/2/2020 10:06 PM, Sygmund_F aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched, aka
Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka GOD,
Post by Sygmund_F
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
Fast forward to 2020: It now emerges that AmeriKKKans think it is terribly unfair and
wrong that Russia (Trump loves Russia) is paying Taliban soldiers to kill AmeriKKKan
Go figure...
You have definitely been drinking the kool-aid.

On FOX News this is Old News. All the guests and anchors have been
saying this is how it works. Nothing new to see here. Especially since
the accusations are unverified anonymous sources from the Trump hating
New York Slimes and the Washington Piece of shit.

Just ask the 100 plus Russian mercenaries we killed in Syria... wait
.... never mind...

Get your head out of your ass Bozo and watch some REAL News..

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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
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Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?

Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:

Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?

Let the good times roll...

Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!

Offense is always free in usenet

Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiters, Bacon Boys and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.


POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.

*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average


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The Truth Sayer
2020-07-04 16:20:22 UTC
*Happy Independence Day to all of you Patriots and Friends*...

If that statement triggered you, you aren’t one that I’m talking to.

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Paul Schreiber
2020-07-04 19:56:35 UTC
Post by The Truth Sayer
*Happy Independence Day to all of you Patriots and Friends*...
If that statement triggered you, you aren’t one that I’m talking to.
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
Thanks, Bob. Back at you...

2020-07-04 22:29:27 UTC
Dear reader, are you wondering WTF is going on here?

Simple. This is the smouldering ruin of what was once a fine
_international_ flight simmers newsgroup.

These days it mostly has only two people posting here. The
newsgroup has devolved into a protracted back-alley brawl
between an abusive, lying, defamatory cyber-bully and his karmic
nemesis. If anyone else comes here and also challenges (calls-
out) the cyber-bully, predictably, he spits his lies and abuse at
them as well.

This abusive, lying, defamatory cyber-bully is Bob Smith, a bitter
and twisted Texan veteran of America's war against the people
of Iraq (Operation Desert Storm) who clearly suffers from a
severe case of untreated PTSD and terminal brainwashing.
Bob's aliases include Bob_Copter_Six, Gerrys Worst
Nightmare, Truth Sayer, GIRLY MAN ALERT!!!, FUCKTARD

Bob is a white supremacist, war justifying, war glorifying,
capitalism-loving, Trump-voting, fake news regurgitating, Storm
Front, Breitbart, Infowars and Daily Stormer reading "patriot" who
may even be a member of white nationalist terror groups such as
"Atomwaffen" and "The Base" and who abuses and cyber-bullies
people who say things he doesn't agree with - especially if they
cast aspersions on America's self-serving, mass murdering
foreign policy, past and present.

If Bob disagrees with you he won't enter into any rational debate
with you, he'll just abuse and vilify you for daring to voice an
opinion his brainwashed mind has a problem with. Apparently he
hasn't yet heard of the First Amendment to America's constitution.

Bob's karmic nemisis is Gerry Binder, a bitter and twisted
Australian veteran of America's war against the people of Vietnam,
Laos, and Cambodia, who also suffers from PTSD and although
he has received treatment for this, the success of that treatment
has been questioned by some. His aliases include Walt_M,
Sygmund_F, Nurse Ratched, N=N+1, and GOD.

Gerry is an anti-war activist, politically left-leaning, and believes
that America's form of buccaneer capitalism is a toxic Big Business
scam that enriches few whilst exploiting the fuck out of everyone
else, both home and abroad. Furthermore, he believes that
America's military-industrial complex, as forewarned by President
has so totally
ensnared the American economy and its people that America can
actually no longer afford to let peace break out on the planet
because that would not only crash the American economy, but also
break the military- industrial complex's usurped grip on power.
Hence America's economy is dependent on conflict, war
(US-sanctioned mass murder), arms sales, and global dominance.
Way back in 1934 another notable American General saw this
whole mess coming. US Marine Corps Major General Smedley
Butler wrote the booklet War Is A Racket - you can download a
free PDF copy here:

It's no surprise then that Gerry, who, as a young man, naively
believed the propaganda that claimed he was fighting for freedom
and democracy in Vietnam, became disgusted with what has
happened to the America-dominated "West".

So, even in here in AGMSFS, history was always going to happen,
as it does everywhere and everywhen, and to fully understand that
history we need to scan a long way back through the archives.
Significantly, June 2001 is a good start point.

Originally AGMFS was a friendly flight simulation discussion group
comprising a mixture of international personalities with a variety of
skills and expertise to bring to the table. Everyone from airline
and military pilots with everything from Airline Transport Pilot
Certificates to flight simulation enthusiasts and computer experts to
hobbyists with a joystick. Everyone with something to offer and each
willing to help each other whenever they could. At that point in
time, 99% of the posts here were "on-topic".

And then, on September 11, 2001, shit happened. A group of mostly
Saudi mujahideen who were once upon a time Reagan's CIA-trained,
CIA-armed, and Saudi-funded Wahabist fundamentalist Islamist "freedom
fighters", a group that was instrumental in running the Russian army
out of Afghanistan, a group that was, by then, also seriously
disgusted by America's war mongering, self-serving and domineering
foreign policy in the Middle East, said "ENOUGH !!!" (in Arabic of
course) - and they flew planes into strategic targets in the US in
order to, in _their_ view, "give the Americans a taste of their own
medicine." And thus did America's decades-long, toxic and self-
serving Middle Eastern foreign policy pidgeons come home to roost -
big time.

Chalmers Johnson wrote an excellent trilogy of well researched books
on the subject of American foreign policy "blowback" if you want to
know a bit more:

And once you've got your brain around Chalmers Johnson's mind-
opening elucidations, you might like to further your education about
belligerent, arrogant, self-serving, mass murderous American foreign
policy by working your way through the following reading list:

The Normalization of War - by Andrew J. Bacevich
Dreaming War - by Gore Vidal
A Pretext for War - by James Bamford
Perpetual War [...] - by Gore Vidal
Secrets - by Daniel Ellsberg
A Bright Shining Lie - by Neil Sheehan
Body Of Secrets - by James Bamford
Rogue State - by William Blum
Rogue States - by Noam Chomsky
Rogue Nation - by Clyde Prestowitz
The Last Empire - by Gore Vidal
A People's History of The U.S. - by Howard Zinn
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - by Greg Palast
Hegemony or Survival - by Noam Chomsky
After The Empire by Emmanuel Todd
Tell Me No Lies - by John Pilger

But the best book, by far, IMHO, is Killing Hope: U.S. Military and
C.I.A. Interventions since World War - by William Blum.

This book is a history of covert CIA operations and United States
military interventions during the second half of the 20th century. It
covers various US foreign policy adventures from just after World War
II onward. Its basic premise is that the American Cold War activities
abroad were done with imperialist motives.

The CIA thinks so highly of this book that they even let you download
a free, unredacted PDF copy here:

Happy reading, boys and girls...

Now, back to the topic du jour:

In the emotion-charged months after 9/11, and through to 2004, here in
AGMSFS, there followed _many_ OFF TOPIC and acrimonious POLITICAL
arguments. It soon became obvious that Osama bin Laden and his
"Reagan's Freedom Fighters" had driven the American "patriot" flight
simmers (not to mention "patriotic" America as a whole) absolutely and
certifiably apeshit.

It seems "patriotic" Americans are fine with having sent their
"finest" to kill _millions_ in wars of aggression their country has,
self-servingly, orchestrated over the decades, and yet they go
completely nuts when some people who are traumatised out of their
PTSD-warped skulls, lose the plot completely and go kill a few
thousand Americans on American home soil - by way of a gesture of
protest and pay-back.

Strange, that... it's almost like American "patriots" have no
capacity at all for empathy - i.e. they have no idea how people in
other countries feel when _their_ city is bombed to the shithouse,
_their_ infrastructure completely destroyed, _their_ house blown to
smithereens, _their_ mother, father, sister, brother is killed or
horribly and permanently maimed - all because America has decided
their country needs a bit of "assistance" whilst it steals their oil
or whatever else America was after at the time. Strange...

It seems, also, that "patriotic" Americans think there won't be any
consequences (blowback) deriving from their country's arrogant and
mass murderous actions abroad - all of it justified by a pack of lies.

Anyway, back here in AGMSFS, by the end of 2004 many of the European
posters as well as many moderate American flight simmers had
disappeared - having chosen to exit the toxic atmosphere created by
these "patriots" - an atmosphere in which America's ham-fisted
response to the events of 9/11 was "defended" by these "patriots"
launching vicious personal attacks against anyone who dared to
question or critique said ham-fisted response.

Thus did a hard core of a half dozen or so American "patriot"
cyber-bullies establish their grip on what was once a fine
INTERNATIONAL flight simmers newsgroup. George W Bush's "War On
Terror" had invaded AGMSFS. These were the "patriot" cyber-thugs whom
"Dallas" (Norman Edwin Burton), a Texan rabble-rouser, would later
proudly refer to as this newsgroup's "immune system". And they would
pile on with personal abuse and vilification upon anyone who
"misbehaved". According to _their_ warped perception, all was still
well in what _they_ now thought of as _their_ newsgroup.

The stage was set.

Gerry arrived here in early 2009. For the first six months or so he
was "well behaved", but by late 2009 he was getting heartily sick of
regularly seeing OFF TOPIC, American "patriotic" war crap interspersed
with OFF TOPIC misogynistic crap and OFF TOPIC racist crap, and so he
began to challenge some of that stuff, particularly the OFF TOPIC
war-glorifying and OFF TOPIC war-mongering type of crap, and - you
guessed it - all hell broke loose!

It quickly became obvious that calling out OFF TOPIC racism, OFF TOPIC
misogyny, OFF TOPIC war glorification and OFF TOPIC war propaganda -
and being critical of US foreign policy, past and present - was a
"crime" warranting nothing less than the vilification and
ostracisation of such an "offender" by Dallas's "immune system". A
gaggle of "patriot" cyber bullies had launched their "War On Gerry".

And it was not to long before 50% of all the traffic here was made up
of very long threads characterised by personal abuse levelled against
Gerry - with Gerry predictably availing himself of his inalienable
right to self defence against said personal attacks.

And thus A FIVE YEAR LONG WAR of cyber-bullying was waged against
Gerry in their ill-conceived attempt to drive him out. And the more
they abused him, the more resolved he became to prevail against their
bullying. Their disingenuous (and vilificatious) catchcry was "Gerry
is a troll".

In their "patriotic" hubris they imagined that Gerry would quickly
wilt in the face of their vilificatious and defamatory lies and abuse.
The fatal flaw in their "reasoning" was that they failed to understand
that Gerry, an Australian veteran of America's war against the people
of Vietnam, who was, these days, severely pissed off at having been
lied to about the need to invade Vietnam and America's entire Cold War
Scam, was made of much, much sterner stuff.

Not only did these "patriot" ABUSE TROLLS lose the war of their own
making, but their war destroyed this newsgroup. And, being the liars
they were, they blamed it all on Gerry. "Gerry destroyed this
newsgroup" was now their new catchcry.

If only, much earlier on, they had been civil in how they dealt with
those who had expressed doubts about the US response to 9/11, and
later, (since they labelled Gerry a "troll") if only they had heeded
the well-understood wisdom of "not feeding the troll", this newsgroup
could arguably have remained very viable indeed. Sadly, in true
American "patriot" style, they still blame everyone except themselves
for the destruction they have caused.

Sadly too, it's the only way in which they can justify their
"patriotic" investment in the deluded, megalomanic idea that America
is the rightful, ordained-by-God, master and ruler of the "free" world
- "and that includes flightsim newsgroups too, goddammit!!! Hooah!!!"

In here it doesn't really matter that much. All they destroyed was a
UseNet newsgroup that was probably already doomed by technological
"progress", but out there, in the real world, where those very same
"patriotic" attitudes still shape America's foreign (global !!!)
policy, if I were you, dear reader, I'd be afraid. VERY afraid...

"Dallas's Cowboys do AGMSFS":


UPDATE: From 2015 onwards, upon the destruction of this newsgroup,
and to ensure that it remained a smouldering ruin with no hope of
recovery, Bob Smith keeps posting personal attacks against Gerry in
the form of vilificatious and defamtory lies and abuse.

And so, history keeps right on happening...

=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer, a.k.a. Gerrys
Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's "offensive" sigs. Classic
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Here he is, playing dress-ups:

Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has uttered, but, for
some weird unfathomable reason (maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is
NOT offended when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass murder all over
this planet to further its own corrupt empire and calling that
"fighting for freedom and democracy".

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination plots in other
countries because their leaders are not "US-friendly".***

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes which are _not_

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic, mass murderous
regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations vacuum
huge profits out of their countries whilst paying local employees
peanuts and avoiding local taxes."

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs who, like himself,
were once suckered into that mass-murderous shit-storm which is US
foreign policy, but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT accomplished by
participating in or condoning America's mass murder of millions in
order to "liberate" them so as to expose their countries to economic
rape and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets all over
their countryside which will continue to kill and maim innocent
civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent orange" or
depleted uranium, thereby making millions of innocent civilians sick
and causing millions of birth defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another country's
sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror suspects" without affording
said "suspects" anything even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in the form of
harmless, tiny little electronic characters appearing on people's
monitors, tablets or cell phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally
only experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists for
state sanctioned mass murder.

US Rationalisation #1: "We had to
destroy the village in order to save
it from the Viet Cong"
US Rationalisation #2: "We had to
destroy the country in order to save
it from Saddam Hussein."
US Rationalisation #3: "We had to
destroy the world in order to save
it from people who don't like being
fucked over by our corporations."
Bully Bob's Rationalisation:
"We 'patriots' had to destroy this
newsgroup in order to save it from
'the Beast of AGMSFS'."
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2020-07-05 16:23:50 UTC
On 7/4/2020 5:29 PM, GOD aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched, aka
Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka GOD,
Post by GOD
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
Dear reader, are you wondering WTF is going on here?
Simple. This is the smouldering ruin of what was once a fine
_international_ flight simmers newsgroup.
These days it mostly has only two people posting here. The
newsgroup has devolved into a protracted back-alley brawl
between an abusive, lying, defamatory cyber-bully and his karmic
nemesis. If anyone else comes here and also challenges (calls-
out) the cyber-bully, predictably, he spits his lies and abuse at
them as well.
<--- Cut Gerry's Usual Bullshit --->

Now you see. This post is a response to an innocent post wishing
everyone a happy 4th of July.

The insane Gerry Binder couldn't help himself. He hates America so much
he has to post a response so hate-filled that it has to come from a Troll.

Now you see why AGMFS was destroyed by one insane psychotic asshole.

It's as plain as day but Gerry will blameshift, like the narcissistic
sociopath that he is.

First Gerry Gaslights then Blameshifts..... Classic narcissist.......

Narcissists and Blame Shifting

Unfortunately, this is a very common manipulation tactic that
gaslighters like Gerry use. It's when you're being abused but your
abuser, Gerry, tries to convince you that you're the abusive one.

He will label you unreasonable, crazy, an over-reactor - even say you're
making it all up. He assigns all blame (literally for every issue or
concern) to you, and then becomes offended and angry if you don't
immediately accept it.

If you dare to question Gerry or god forbid, shove his shit back up his
nose, he will quickly turn the tables and accuse YOU of being the
abuser. He will do everything possible to run a good smear campaign on
you, too, telling everyone on AGMFS how crazy or difficult you are, not
realizing everyone already knows what a POS liar Gerry is.

The Narcissistic Flip

One of the most effective kinds of gaslighting is when Gerry sort of
"flips the script" on you during an argument.

This practice is called the "narcissistic flip," and it's a regularly
employed manipulation technique for many narcs like Gerry.

The "flip" happens most often when you make a valid point or have the
nerve to question Gerry about anything.

That's about the time everything turns around and suddenly, you're the
one who's sorry (mostly that you bothered engaging in yet another
pointless argument).

Denial: It ain't just a river in Egypt.

Real quick - let's define denial for our purposes. In this case, we're
talking about the psychological term, which means that Gerry literally
claims that something that DID happen didn't occur.

So, in the case of narcissists like Gerry, they use denial of their own
behavior when it's convenient for them - and almost always in situations
where they can be considered "at fault" for anything negative.

Denial can be used as part of the whole "brainwashing" process that a
lot of narcissists use to control their victims. Think about it - while
they may have originally employed denial in order to avoid taking
responsibility for their own behavior, a lot of narcissists like Gerry
have discovered that denial can be a very effective part of gaslighting.

Gerry will intentionally say things that he knows will provoke you into
reacting. He will bait you and then wait for a response. If you don't
react quickly or dramatically enough, he will poke you further and
aggressively antagonize you until you call him on his bullshit.

Then, Gerry will tell you that you're crazy, that you need help - that
something is just plain wrong with you.

It's the Gerry Binder flip................

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Gerry Binders Narcissistic Flip

One of the most effective kinds of gaslighting is when Gerry Binder sort
of "flips the script" on you during an argument.

I have dubbed this practice the "Gerry Binder flip," and have found that
it's a regularly employed manipulation technique for many narcs.

The "flip" happens most often when you make a valid point or have the
nerve to question Gerry Binder about anything.

That's about the time everything turns around and suddenly, you're the
one who's sorry (mostly that you bothered engaging in yet another
pointless argument).

Denial: It ain't just a river in Egypt.

Real quick - let's define denial for our purposes. In this case, we're
talking about the psychological term, which means that Gerry Binder
literally claims that something that DID happen didn't occur.

So, in the case of narcissists, they use denial of their own behavior
when it's convenient for them - and almost always in situations where
Gerry can be considered "at fault" for anything negative.

Denial can be used as part of the whole "brainwashing" process that a
lot of narcissists use to control their victims. Think about it - while
Gerry Binder may have originally employed denial in order to avoid
taking responsibility for his own behavior, a lot of narcissists have
discovered that denial can be a very effective part of gaslighting.

Narcissists will intentionally say things they know will provoke you
into reacting. They'll bait you and then wait for a response. If you
don't react quickly or dramatically enough, they may poke you further
and aggressively antagonize you until you explode.

Then, Gerry will tell you that you're crazy, that you need help - that
something is just plain wrong with you.

It's the Gerry Binder flip................

Things Gerry Does


It’s not his fault. Not EVER. It’s always other people's fault. To
Gerry, it’s not his fault he offended you, it’s your fault for being

If you're offended, it’s not his fault; it’s your fault – for having
feelings. (You may be told that you’re “choosing” to be offended about
the hurtful things he's said, and that it’s the wrong “choice”.)

If caught doing something insensitive or selfish, he will tell you he
“had to” do it because of someone or something else. If you imply that
anything is his responsibility, he gives you excuses and lies, and
often, if those fail to work, he will finally make it clear that the
bottom line is he simply doesn’t care because he doesn’t have to, and
the fact that you care is just unnecessary or wrong.

From his perspective, you shouldn’t care — you should get it right like
he does, and be more like he is. Uncaring.


Gerry lies to make himself look good. He lies to get out of emotional
responsibility. He lies to manipulate. He lies to gain influence. He
lies out of habit.

Life is a game to Gerry – a game he has to think he's winning – and
truth is one casualty in his game plan. The only time Gerry has any
interest in telling the truth is when it will serve him or cost him
nothing to do so.

The rest of the time, he doesn't consider it necessary or important to
be all that honest. Honesty can impede his self-gratification and
compromise his powerful persona, and he don’t like that.

To Gerry the truth is frequently “flexible” and optional. There’s no
such thing as an honest Gerry Binder. Look at all his war stories. He is
such a war hero. All lies to make himself look good.


Gerry has to make himself feel bigger by convincing himself others are
smaller by comparison. He's no stranger to being condescending, snobby,
clique-ish, elitist and superior; however, he may be very good at hiding
his disdain to prevent a loss of popularity, which Gerry knows brings
him power.

If you think or choose differently from Gerry, you’re “wrong”, and he's


Gerry literally has two faces — his real face and his stage face. And
neither is anything like the other. Which one you see will depend on how
long you’ve known him. Gerry can be very charming and knows how to gain

Anyone who doesn’t know Gerry well will tell you Gerry is one of the
greatest people they’ve ever met! They believe this is one of the most
intelligent, most interesting, or accomplished people ever.

However, anyone who knows that same Gerry Binder better (family members,
longtime coworkers (if he was ever able to keep a job), AGMFS Members
etc) will tell you Gerry is one of the most horribly frustrating and
toxic trolls they know, and the mere mention of his name makes them feel
uneasy, angry, frustrated, sick or otherwise unhappy.

Thankfully, the number of people who can see through Gerry's facade
tends to increase with time.


If you dare to question Gerry or request things like healthy boundaries
and honesty, you’re going to become public enemy number one. The “Mr.
Wonderful” mask immediately comes off, and there is no level he will not
stoop to in order to “punish” you, just ask JW or Doug back in the

He has a myriad of ways of attempting this; some are covert, and some
are open and obvious. Gerry has a seemingly inexhaustible obsession for
making people who cross him “pay”.

Once he sets his sights on you, you’re a permanent enemy, and his
seething spite will feel as intense years down the road as it did when
it first began when he joined AGMFS.

The length of time he can keep up the full intensity of his hatred for
you and his campaign to exact revenge is absolutely dumbfounding to
non-narcissistic people.


Many mentally disordered individuals project frequently. Gerry, however,
is one of the most actively and severely projecting people ever
encountered on AGMFS.

Ever full of accusations and criticisms, the most crazy-making thing
about Gerry's claims is that YOU are doing exactly what HE is doing.

Has he just lied to you? Well, you’re about to be called dishonest. Is
he cheating you out of an opportunity? You’re going to get the finger
pointed at you for being sneaky.

And you can’t say a word to Gerry about something hurtful he has done,
because that makes you an abuser – of him.

You can’t give him anything but glowing feedback without him raging at
you, and you’ll be the one constantly criticized severely and then
called freakishly oversensitive if you show any feelings about it. And
if he says so, it’s law — you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Gerry is allergic to healthy boundaries and fairness. If you question
the insensitive things he does or put any limits whatsoever on his bad
behavior, you will be targeted for social, professional, or personal
obliteration. Whatever Gerry perceives to be your psychological or
situational “weak spots” will be his prime targets.

This post of his is a prime example. Need I say more about Gerry's sad
mental state?

Gerry is a Toxic Troll...........
| |
Gerry Lies
\ (• •) /
\ /
| |

| |
Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
\ (• •) /
\ /
| |

Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?

Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:

Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?

Let the good times roll...

Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!

Offense is always free in usenet

Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiters, Bacon Boys and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.


POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.

*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average


This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
2020-07-05 23:36:13 UTC
On Sun, 5 Jul 2020 11:23:50 -0500,
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
Now you see. This post is a response to an innocent post wishing
everyone a happy 4th of July.
Dear reader, are you wondering WTF is going on here?

Simple. This is the smouldering ruin of what was once a fine
_international_ flight simmers newsgroup.

These days it mostly has only two people posting here. The
newsgroup has devolved into a protracted back-alley brawl
between an abusive, lying, defamatory cyber-bully and his karmic
nemesis. If anyone else comes here and also challenges (calls-
out) the cyber-bully, predictably, he spits his lies and abuse at
them as well.

This abusive, lying, defamatory cyber-bully is Bob Smith, a bitter
and twisted Texan veteran of America's war against the people
of Iraq (Operation Desert Storm) who clearly suffers from a
severe case of untreated PTSD and terminal brainwashing.
Bob's aliases include Bob_Copter_Six, Gerrys Worst
Nightmare, Truth Sayer, GIRLY MAN ALERT!!!, FUCKTARD

Bob is a white supremacist, war justifying, war glorifying,
capitalism-loving, Trump-voting, fake news regurgitating, Storm
Front, Breitbart, Infowars and Daily Stormer reading "patriot" who
may even be a member of white nationalist terror groups such as
"Atomwaffen" and "The Base" and who abuses and cyber-bullies
people who say things he doesn't agree with - especially if they
cast aspersions on America's self-serving, mass murdering
foreign policy, past and present.

If Bob disagrees with you he won't enter into any rational debate
with you, he'll just abuse and vilify you for daring to voice an
opinion his brainwashed mind has a problem with. Apparently he
hasn't yet heard of the First Amendment to America's constitution.

A perfect example of his insane lying is when, IN THIS THREAD, in the
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
Now you see. This post is a response to an innocent post wishing
everyone a happy 4th of July.
Now, readers will note that this is NOT the thread in which anyone has
wished anyone a happy 4th of July. The post he referred to was in
fact a response to another of his abusive, lying, defmatory rants, and
so, he is, once again, lying in his teeth. And that's all you get
from Bob Smith. Lies, lies, and more lies. Like AmeriKKKa itself, he
tells a lie to justify an attack.

(Back to the story now)

Bob's karmic nemisis is Gerry Binder, a bitter and twisted
Australian veteran of America's war against the people of Vietnam,
Laos, and Cambodia, who also suffers from PTSD and although
he has received treatment for this, the success of that treatment
has been questioned by some. His aliases include Walt_M,
Sygmund_F, Nurse Ratched, N=N+1, and GOD.

Gerry is an anti-war activist, politically left-leaning, and believes
that America's form of buccaneer capitalism is a toxic Big Business
scam that enriches few whilst exploiting the fuck out of everyone
else, both home and abroad. Furthermore, he believes that
America's military-industrial complex, as forewarned by President
http://youtu.be/8y06NSBBRtY has so totally
ensnared the American economy and its people that America can
actually no longer afford to let peace break out on the planet
because that would not only crash the American economy, but also
break the military- industrial complex's usurped grip on power.
Hence America's economy is dependent on conflict, war
(US-sanctioned mass murder), arms sales, and global dominance.
Way back in 1934 another notable American General saw this
whole mess coming. US Marine Corps Major General Smedley
Butler wrote the booklet War Is A Racket - you can download a
free PDF copy here:

It's no surprise then that Gerry, who, as a young man, naively
believed the propaganda that claimed he was fighting for freedom
and democracy in Vietnam, became disgusted with what has
happened to the America-dominated "West".

So, even in here in AGMSFS, history was always going to happen,
as it does everywhere and everywhen, and to fully understand that
history we need to scan a long way back through the archives.
Significantly, June 2001 is a good start point.

Originally AGMFS was a friendly flight simulation discussion group
comprising a mixture of international personalities with a variety of
skills and expertise to bring to the table. Everyone from airline
and military pilots with everything from Airline Transport Pilot
Certificates to flight simulation enthusiasts and computer experts to
hobbyists with a joystick. Everyone with something to offer and each
willing to help each other whenever they could. At that point in
time, 99% of the posts here were "on-topic".

And then, on September 11, 2001, shit happened. A group of mostly
Saudi mujahideen who were once upon a time Reagan's CIA-trained,
CIA-armed, and Saudi-funded Wahabist fundamentalist Islamist "freedom
fighters", a group that was instrumental in running the Russian army
out of Afghanistan, a group that was, by then, also seriously
disgusted by America's war mongering, self-serving and domineering
foreign policy in the Middle East, said "ENOUGH !!!" (in Arabic of
course) - and they flew planes into strategic targets in the US in
order to, in _their_ view, "give the Americans a taste of their own
medicine." And thus did America's decades-long, toxic and self-
serving Middle Eastern foreign policy pidgeons come home to roost -
big time.

Chalmers Johnson wrote an excellent trilogy of well researched books
on the subject of American foreign policy "blowback" if you want to
know a bit more:

And once you've got your brain around Chalmers Johnson's mind-
opening elucidations, you might like to further your education about
belligerent, arrogant, self-serving, mass murderous American foreign
policy by working your way through the following reading list:

The Normalization of War - by Andrew J. Bacevich
Dreaming War - by Gore Vidal
A Pretext for War - by James Bamford
Perpetual War [...] - by Gore Vidal
Secrets - by Daniel Ellsberg
A Bright Shining Lie - by Neil Sheehan
Body Of Secrets - by James Bamford
Rogue State - by William Blum
Rogue States - by Noam Chomsky
Rogue Nation - by Clyde Prestowitz
The Last Empire - by Gore Vidal
A People's History of The U.S. - by Howard Zinn
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - by Greg Palast
Hegemony or Survival - by Noam Chomsky
After The Empire by Emmanuel Todd
Tell Me No Lies - by John Pilger

But the best book, by far, IMHO, is Killing Hope: U.S. Military and
C.I.A. Interventions since World War - by William Blum.

This book is a history of covert CIA operations and United States
military interventions during the second half of the 20th century. It
covers various US foreign policy adventures from just after World War
II onward. Its basic premise is that the American Cold War activities
abroad were done with imperialist motives.

The CIA thinks so highly of this book that they even let you download
a free, unredacted PDF copy here:

Happy reading, boys and girls...

Now, back to the topic du jour:

In the emotion-charged months after 9/11, and through to 2004, here in
AGMSFS, there followed _many_ OFF TOPIC and acrimonious POLITICAL
arguments. It soon became obvious that Osama bin Laden and his
"Reagan's Freedom Fighters" had driven the American "patriot" flight
simmers (not to mention "patriotic" America as a whole) absolutely and
certifiably apeshit.

It seems "patriotic" Americans are fine with having sent their
"finest" to kill _millions_ in wars of aggression their country has,
self-servingly, orchestrated over the decades, and yet they go
completely nuts when some people who are traumatised out of their
PTSD-warped skulls, lose the plot completely and go kill a few
thousand Americans on American home soil - by way of a gesture of
protest and pay-back.

Strange, that... it's almost like American "patriots" have no
capacity at all for empathy - i.e. they have no idea how people in
other countries feel when _their_ city is bombed to the shithouse,
_their_ infrastructure completely destroyed, _their_ house blown to
smithereens, _their_ mother, father, sister, brother is killed or
horribly and permanently maimed - all because America has decided
their country needs a bit of "assistance" whilst it steals their oil
or whatever else America was after at the time. Strange...

It seems, also, that "patriotic" Americans think there won't be any
consequences (blowback) deriving from their country's arrogant and
mass murderous actions abroad - all of it justified by a pack of lies.

Anyway, back here in AGMSFS, by the end of 2004 many of the European
posters as well as many moderate American flight simmers had
disappeared - having chosen to exit the toxic atmosphere created by
these "patriots" - an atmosphere in which America's ham-fisted
response to the events of 9/11 was "defended" by these "patriots"
launching vicious personal attacks against anyone who dared to
question or critique said ham-fisted response.

Thus did a hard core of a half dozen or so American "patriot"
cyber-bullies establish their grip on what was once a fine
INTERNATIONAL flight simmers newsgroup. George W Bush's "War On
Terror" had invaded AGMSFS. These were the "patriot" cyber-thugs whom
"Dallas" (Norman Edwin Burton), a Texan rabble-rouser, would later
proudly refer to as this newsgroup's "immune system". And they would
pile on with personal abuse and vilification upon anyone who
"misbehaved". According to _their_ warped perception, all was still
well in what _they_ now thought of as _their_ newsgroup.

The stage was set.

Gerry arrived here in early 2009. For the first six months or so he
was "well behaved", but by late 2009 he was getting heartily sick of
regularly seeing OFF TOPIC, American "patriotic" war crap interspersed
with OFF TOPIC misogynistic crap and OFF TOPIC racist crap, and so he
began to challenge some of that stuff, particularly the OFF TOPIC
war-glorifying and OFF TOPIC war-mongering type of crap, and - you
guessed it - all hell broke loose!

It quickly became obvious that calling out OFF TOPIC racism, OFF TOPIC
misogyny, OFF TOPIC war glorification and OFF TOPIC war propaganda -
and being critical of US foreign policy, past and present - was a
"crime" warranting nothing less than the vilification and
ostracisation of such an "offender" by Dallas's "immune system". A
gaggle of "patriot" cyber bullies had launched their "War On Gerry".

And it was not to long before 50% of all the traffic here was made up
of very long threads characterised by personal abuse levelled against
Gerry - with Gerry predictably availing himself of his inalienable
right to self defence against said personal attacks.

And thus A FIVE YEAR LONG WAR of cyber-bullying was waged against
Gerry in their ill-conceived attempt to drive him out. And the more
they abused him, the more resolved he became to prevail against their
bullying. Their disingenuous (and vilificatious) catchcry was "Gerry
is a troll".

In their "patriotic" hubris they imagined that Gerry would quickly
wilt in the face of their vilificatious and defamatory lies and abuse.
The fatal flaw in their "reasoning" was that they failed to understand
that Gerry, an Australian veteran of America's war against the people
of Vietnam, who was, these days, severely pissed off at having been
lied to about the need to invade Vietnam and America's entire Cold War
Scam, was made of much, much sterner stuff.

Not only did these "patriot" ABUSE TROLLS lose the war of their own
making, but their war destroyed this newsgroup. And, being the liars
they were, they blamed it all on Gerry. "Gerry destroyed this
newsgroup" was now their new catchcry.

If only, much earlier on, they had been civil in how they dealt with
those who had expressed doubts about the US response to 9/11, and
later, (since they labelled Gerry a "troll") if only they had heeded
the well-understood wisdom of "not feeding the troll", this newsgroup
could arguably have remained very viable indeed. Sadly, in true
American "patriot" style, they still blame everyone except themselves
for the destruction they have caused.

Sadly too, it's the only way in which they can justify their
"patriotic" investment in the deluded, megalomanic idea that America
is the rightful, ordained-by-God, master and ruler of the "free" world
- "and that includes flightsim newsgroups too, goddammit!!! Hooah!!!"

In here it doesn't really matter that much. All they destroyed was a
UseNet newsgroup that was probably already doomed by technological
"progress", but out there, in the real world, where those very same
"patriotic" attitudes still shape America's foreign (global !!!)
policy, if I were you, dear reader, I'd be afraid. VERY afraid...

"Dallas's Cowboys do AGMSFS":


UPDATE: From 2015 onwards, upon the destruction of this newsgroup,
and to ensure that it remained a smouldering ruin with no hope of
recovery, Bob Smith keeps posting personal attacks against Gerry in
the form of vilificatious and defamtory lies and abuse.

And so, history keeps right on happening...

=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer, a.k.a. Gerrys
Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's "offensive" sigs. Classic
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Here he is, playing dress-ups:

Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has uttered, but, for
some weird unfathomable reason (maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is
NOT offended when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass murder all over
this planet to further its own corrupt empire and calling that
"fighting for freedom and democracy".

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination plots in other
countries because their leaders are not "US-friendly".***

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes which are _not_

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic, mass murderous
regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations vacuum
huge profits out of their countries whilst paying local employees
peanuts and avoiding local taxes."

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs who, like himself,
were once suckered into that mass-murderous shit-storm which is US
foreign policy, but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT accomplished by
participating in or condoning America's mass murder of millions in
order to "liberate" them so as to expose their countries to economic
rape and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets all over
their countryside which will continue to kill and maim innocent
civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent orange" or
depleted uranium, thereby making millions of innocent civilians sick
and causing millions of birth defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another country's
sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror suspects" without affording
said "suspects" anything even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in the form of
harmless, tiny little electronic characters appearing on people's
monitors, tablets or cell phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally
only experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists for
state sanctioned mass murder.

US Rationalisation #1: "We had to
destroy the village in order to save
it from the Viet Cong"
US Rationalisation #2: "We had to
destroy the country in order to save
it from Saddam Hussein."
US Rationalisation #3: "We had to
destroy the world in order to save
it from people who don't like being
fucked over by our corporations."
Bully Bob's Rationalisation:
"We 'patriots' had to destroy this
newsgroup in order to save it from
'the Beast of AGMSFS'."
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2020-07-06 16:16:56 UTC
On 7/5/2020 6:36 PM, GOD aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched, aka
Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka GOD,
Post by GOD
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
Dear reader, are you wondering WTF is going on here?
Simple: Let me inform you:

...by late 2009 Gerry began his anti-American propaganda hate campaign.
Gerry hated the patriotic Americans and would twist innocent
flight-related threads into anti-capitalist, anti-war or terrorist
sympathizing rants. Gerry was "out of his head" "bat-shit" crazy.

Countering Gerry's OFF-TOPIC bullshit on US foreign policy included the
use of "kill filters" which would keep the members from seeing anything
Gerry would write, saving them from seeing his raving lunatic postings.
Gerry wouldn't have this. Gerry used up to 37 different pseudonyms to
bypass the members' kill filters to make sure he impressed upon everyone
just how insane he really was.

By now about 80% of the posts were made up of very long threads
characterized by abuse leveled by Gerry against the Americans in the
group with the Americans availing themselves of their inalienable rights
to self-defense against such personal attacks. It became so bad even the
non-Americans began fighting back against Gerry and even leaving the

And thus a five-year war of cyber-bullying was waged against the
Americans. Gerry began a continuous period of Psychological Projection
and showed all the signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder along with
the classic signs of False Victimization Syndrome.

In his hubris, Gerry imagined that the Americans would quickly wilt in
the face of his vilification lies and abuse. The fatal flaw in his
"reasoning" was that he failed to understand that they were made of
much, much sterner stuff.

Not only did Gerry lose the war he started, but the war destroyed this
newsgroup. And, being the bright spark Gerry so obviously thought he
was, he conveniently blamed it all on the Americans. In the end, Gerry
ran crying and screaming to Google claiming "abuse" "abuse" oh so much

If only, much earlier on, Gerry had been civil with others in society
this newsgroup could have remained very viable indeed.

Sadly, Gerry still blames everyone except himself. Sadly, it's the only
way in which he can protect his investment in the deluded, megalomaniac
idea that he is the rightful, ordained-by-God, master and ruler of
Gerry's world - and that includes this newsgroup, dammit!!!

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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
\ (• •) /
\ /
| |

Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?

Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:

Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?

Let the good times roll...

Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!

Offense is always free in usenet

Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiters, Bacon Boys and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.


POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.

*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average


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2020-07-06 19:55:50 UTC
Dear reader, are you wondering WTF is going on here?

Simple. This is the smouldering ruin of what was once a fine
_international_ flight simmers newsgroup.

These days it mostly has only two people posting here. The
newsgroup has devolved into a protracted back-alley brawl
between an abusive, lying, defamatory cyber-bully and his karmic
nemesis. If anyone else comes here and also challenges (calls-
out) the cyber-bully, predictably, he spits his lies and abuse at
them as well.

This abusive, lying, defamatory cyber-bully is Bob Smith, a bitter
and twisted Texan veteran of America's war against the people
of Iraq (Operation Desert Storm) who clearly suffers from a
severe case of untreated PTSD and terminal brainwashing.
Bob's aliases include Bob_Copter_Six, Gerrys Worst
Nightmare, Truth Sayer, GIRLY MAN ALERT!!!, FUCKTARD

Bob is a white supremacist, war justifying, war glorifying,
capitalism-loving, Trump-voting, fake news regurgitating, Storm
Front, Breitbart, Infowars and Daily Stormer reading "patriot" who
may even be a member of white nationalist terror groups such as
"Atomwaffen" and "The Base" and who abuses and cyber-bullies
people who say things he doesn't agree with - especially if they
cast aspersions on America's self-serving, mass murdering
foreign policy, past and present.

If Bob disagrees with you he won't enter into any rational debate
with you, he'll just abuse and vilify you for daring to voice an
opinion his brainwashed mind has a problem with. Apparently he
hasn't yet heard of the First Amendment to America's constitution.

Bob's karmic nemisis is Gerry Binder, a bitter and twisted
Australian veteran of America's war against the people of Vietnam,
Laos, and Cambodia, who also suffers from PTSD and although
he has received treatment for this, the success of that treatment
has been questioned by some. His aliases include Walt_M,
Sygmund_F, Nurse Ratched, N=N+1, and GOD.

Gerry is an anti-war activist, politically left-leaning, and believes
that America's form of buccaneer capitalism is a toxic Big Business
scam that enriches few whilst exploiting the fuck out of everyone
else, both home and abroad. Furthermore, he believes that
America's military-industrial complex, as forewarned by President
http://youtu.be/8y06NSBBRtY has so totally
ensnared the American economy and its people that America can
actually no longer afford to let peace break out on the planet
because that would not only crash the American economy, but also
break the military- industrial complex's usurped grip on power.
Hence America's economy is dependent on conflict, war
(US-sanctioned mass murder), arms sales, and global dominance.
Way back in 1934 another notable American General saw this
whole mess coming. US Marine Corps Major General Smedley
Butler wrote the booklet War Is A Racket - you can download a
free PDF copy here:

It's no surprise then that Gerry, who, as a young man, naively
believed the propaganda that claimed he was fighting for freedom
and democracy in Vietnam, became disgusted with what has
happened to the America-dominated "West".

So, even in here in AGMSFS, history was always going to happen,
as it does everywhere and everywhen, and to fully understand that
history we need to scan a long way back through the archives.
Significantly, June 2001 is a good start point.

Originally AGMFS was a friendly flight simulation discussion group
comprising a mixture of international personalities with a variety of
skills and expertise to bring to the table. Everyone from airline
and military pilots with everything from Airline Transport Pilot
Certificates to flight simulation enthusiasts and computer experts to
hobbyists with a joystick. Everyone with something to offer and each
willing to help each other whenever they could. At that point in
time, 99% of the posts here were "on-topic".

And then, on September 11, 2001, shit happened. A group of mostly
Saudi mujahideen who were once upon a time Reagan's CIA-trained,
CIA-armed, and Saudi-funded Wahabist fundamentalist Islamist "freedom
fighters", a group that was instrumental in running the Russian army
out of Afghanistan, a group that was, by then, also seriously
disgusted by America's war mongering, self-serving and domineering
foreign policy in the Middle East, said "ENOUGH !!!" (in Arabic of
course) - and they flew planes into strategic targets in the US in
order to, in _their_ view, "give the Americans a taste of their own
medicine." And thus did America's decades-long, toxic and self-
serving Middle Eastern foreign policy pidgeons come home to roost -
big time.

Chalmers Johnson wrote an excellent trilogy of well researched books
on the subject of American foreign policy "blowback" if you want to
know a bit more:

And once you've got your brain around Chalmers Johnson's mind-
opening elucidations, you might like to further your education about
belligerent, arrogant, self-serving, mass murderous American foreign
policy by working your way through the following reading list:

The Normalization of War - by Andrew J. Bacevich
Dreaming War - by Gore Vidal
A Pretext for War - by James Bamford
Perpetual War [...] - by Gore Vidal
Secrets - by Daniel Ellsberg
A Bright Shining Lie - by Neil Sheehan
Body Of Secrets - by James Bamford
Rogue State - by William Blum
Rogue States - by Noam Chomsky
Rogue Nation - by Clyde Prestowitz
The Last Empire - by Gore Vidal
A People's History of The U.S. - by Howard Zinn
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - by Greg Palast
Hegemony or Survival - by Noam Chomsky
After The Empire by Emmanuel Todd
Tell Me No Lies - by John Pilger

But the best book, by far, IMHO, is Killing Hope: U.S. Military and
C.I.A. Interventions since World War - by William Blum.

This book is a history of covert CIA operations and United States
military interventions during the second half of the 20th century. It
covers various US foreign policy adventures from just after World War
II onward. Its basic premise is that the American Cold War activities
abroad were done with imperialist motives.

The CIA thinks so highly of this book that they even let you download
a free, unredacted PDF copy here:

Happy reading, boys and girls...

Now, back to the topic du jour:

In the emotion-charged months after 9/11, and through to 2004, here in
AGMSFS, there followed _many_ OFF TOPIC and acrimonious POLITICAL
arguments. It soon became obvious that Osama bin Laden and his
"Reagan's Freedom Fighters" had driven the American "patriot" flight
simmers (not to mention "patriotic" America as a whole) absolutely and
certifiably apeshit.

It seems "patriotic" Americans are fine with having sent their
"finest" to kill _millions_ in wars of aggression their country has,
self-servingly, orchestrated over the decades, and yet they go
completely nuts when some people who are traumatised out of their
PTSD-warped skulls, lose the plot completely and go kill a few
thousand Americans on American home soil - by way of a gesture of
protest and pay-back.

Strange, that... it's almost like American "patriots" have no
capacity at all for empathy - i.e. they have no idea how people in
other countries feel when _their_ city is bombed to the shithouse,
_their_ infrastructure completely destroyed, _their_ house blown to
smithereens, _their_ mother, father, sister, brother is killed or
horribly and permanently maimed - all because America has decided
their country needs a bit of "assistance" whilst it steals their oil
or whatever else America was after at the time. Strange...

It seems, also, that "patriotic" Americans think there won't be any
consequences (blowback) deriving from their country's arrogant and
mass murderous actions abroad - all of it justified by a pack of lies.

Anyway, back here in AGMSFS, by the end of 2004 many of the European
posters as well as many moderate American flight simmers had
disappeared - having chosen to exit the toxic atmosphere created by
these "patriots" - an atmosphere in which America's ham-fisted
response to the events of 9/11 was "defended" by these "patriots"
launching vicious personal attacks against anyone who dared to
question or critique said ham-fisted response.

Thus did a hard core of a half dozen or so American "patriot"
cyber-bullies establish their grip on what was once a fine
INTERNATIONAL flight simmers newsgroup. George W Bush's "War On
Terror" had invaded AGMSFS. These were the "patriot" cyber-thugs whom
"Dallas" (Norman Edwin Burton), a Texan rabble-rouser, would later
proudly refer to as this newsgroup's "immune system". And they would
pile on with personal abuse and vilification upon anyone who
"misbehaved". According to _their_ warped perception, all was still
well in what _they_ now thought of as _their_ newsgroup.

The stage was set.

Gerry arrived here in early 2009. For the first six months or so he
was "well behaved", but by late 2009 he was getting heartily sick of
regularly seeing OFF TOPIC, American "patriotic" war crap interspersed
with OFF TOPIC misogynistic crap and OFF TOPIC racist crap, and so he
began to challenge some of that stuff, particularly the OFF TOPIC
war-glorifying and OFF TOPIC war-mongering type of crap, and - you
guessed it - all hell broke loose!

It quickly became obvious that calling out OFF TOPIC racism, OFF TOPIC
misogyny, OFF TOPIC war glorification and OFF TOPIC war propaganda -
and being critical of US foreign policy, past and present - was a
"crime" warranting nothing less than the vilification and
ostracisation of such an "offender" by Dallas's "immune system". A
gaggle of "patriot" cyber bullies had launched their "War On Gerry".

And it was not to long before 50% of all the traffic here was made up
of very long threads characterised by personal abuse levelled against
Gerry - with Gerry predictably availing himself of his inalienable
right to self defence against said personal attacks.

And thus A FIVE YEAR LONG WAR of cyber-bullying was waged against
Gerry in their ill-conceived attempt to drive him out. And the more
they abused him, the more resolved he became to prevail against their
bullying. Their disingenuous (and vilificatious) catchcry was "Gerry
is a troll".

In their "patriotic" hubris they imagined that Gerry would quickly
wilt in the face of their vilificatious and defamatory lies and abuse.
The fatal flaw in their "reasoning" was that they failed to understand
that Gerry, an Australian veteran of America's war against the people
of Vietnam, who was, these days, severely pissed off at having been
lied to about the need to invade Vietnam and America's entire Cold War
Scam, was made of much, much sterner stuff.

Not only did these "patriot" ABUSE TROLLS lose the war of their own
making, but their war destroyed this newsgroup. And, being the liars
they were, they blamed it all on Gerry. "Gerry destroyed this
newsgroup" was now their new catchcry.

If only, much earlier on, they had been civil in how they dealt with
those who had expressed doubts about the US response to 9/11, and
later, (since they labelled Gerry a "troll") if only they had heeded
the well-understood wisdom of "not feeding the troll", this newsgroup
could arguably have remained very viable indeed. Sadly, in true
American "patriot" style, they still blame everyone except themselves
for the destruction they have caused.

Sadly too, it's the only way in which they can justify their
"patriotic" investment in the deluded, megalomanic idea that America
is the rightful, ordained-by-God, master and ruler of the "free" world
- "and that includes flightsim newsgroups too, goddammit!!! Hooah!!!"

In here it doesn't really matter that much. All they destroyed was a
UseNet newsgroup that was probably already doomed by technological
"progress", but out there, in the real world, where those very same
"patriotic" attitudes still shape America's foreign (global !!!)
policy, if I were you, dear reader, I'd be afraid. VERY afraid...

"Dallas's Cowboys do AGMSFS":


UPDATE: From 2015 onwards, upon the destruction of this newsgroup,
and to ensure that it remained a smouldering ruin with no hope of
recovery, Bob Smith keeps posting personal attacks against Gerry in
the form of vilificatious and defamtory lies and abuse.

And so, history keeps right on happening...

=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer, a.k.a. Gerrys
Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's "offensive" sigs. Classic
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Here he is, playing dress-ups:

Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has uttered, but, for
some weird unfathomable reason (maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is
NOT offended when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass murder all over
this planet to further its own corrupt empire and calling that
"fighting for freedom and democracy".

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination plots in other
countries because their leaders are not "US-friendly".***

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes which are _not_

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic, mass murderous
regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations vacuum
huge profits out of their countries whilst paying local employees
peanuts and avoiding local taxes."

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs who, like himself,
were once suckered into that mass-murderous shit-storm which is US
foreign policy, but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT accomplished by
participating in or condoning America's mass murder of millions in
order to "liberate" them so as to expose their countries to economic
rape and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets all over
their countryside which will continue to kill and maim innocent
civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent orange" or
depleted uranium, thereby making millions of innocent civilians sick
and causing millions of birth defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another country's
sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror suspects" without affording
said "suspects" anything even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in the form of
harmless, tiny little electronic characters appearing on people's
monitors, tablets or cell phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally
only experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists for
state sanctioned mass murder.

US Rationalisation #1: "We had to
destroy the village in order to save
it from the Viet Cong"
US Rationalisation #2: "We had to
destroy the country in order to save
it from Saddam Hussein."
US Rationalisation #3: "We had to
destroy the world in order to save
it from people who don't like being
fucked over by our corporations."
Bully Bob's Rationalisation:
"We 'patriots' had to destroy this
newsgroup in order to save it from
'the Beast of AGMSFS'."
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