On 6/8/2021 9:43 PM, Gerry aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched, aka
Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka
Jew Hating Nazi, aka GOD, aka TheWiz, aka Commie Faggot, aka ObyOne
Texanfuckah, aka F4Phantom
Fat and Bald is no way to go through life fuckwit...
Fat Ass & Bald Gerry in his natural state:
Little Dictator Gerry
Post by GerryFUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
Are you still reading this group, Melissa?
Either way, all the best.
Getting lonely fucknut???
All your Flying Monkeys abandoning you???
You have only yourself to blame asshat...
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Post by GerryI've yet to meet an American "patriot" who is anything
other than a racist, war-glorifying, moronic, redneck dick-for-brain
Until the US stops its crusade to remake the world in its own image
(which, by the way, is far from ideal) whilst at the same time trying
to exploit the entire planet for its own benefit (at the expense of
those being exploited), until then, the US will continue to be the
target of those who are clearly saying (with every suicide vest and
IED) "we're as mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!"
On Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 2:35:47 PM UTC-6, Walter Mitty II wrote:
I "pick on" the US because the f*ckers have annexed us as their
defacto 51st state but won't let us vote in their elections. We're
mere vassals. We can't scratch our arses without US approval. They
"requested" us to beg them to let us send our finest into AT LEAST
four mindless wars which were only ever about US hegemony,
exploitation, or just blind murderous revenge.
I knew some of our dead and I know some of the maimed. The selfish,
arrogant, racist, imperial sons of bitches who shaped such US foreign
policy ought to burn in hell. They should be at the Hague answering
war crimes charges. I know where a few of the skeletons are buried
and I'd be happy to testify. But we all know they'll never have to
answer for their evil acts because they are the pigs in Animal Farm.
Therefore, I'm left with my unresolved rage, and since I have no
intention of stooping to their level, I must let them live. But I
will NEVER overlook ANY opportunity to shove their self-righteous
bullshit right back up their arrogant imperial arses, if you catch my
drift. I owe at least that much to the dead.
Alles klaar, Herr Kommissar?
Auf wiedersehen.
* * *
Post by GerryAs I read the Wikipedia entry, it looks like (1) the acts of terror
were not
Post by Gerryof the same magnitude as 9/11
No one was about to deprive you (America) of your liberty. You were
merely given a good hard slap in the face, that's all. One you had
coming for quite a while the way I see it. And you still haven't
learned from it. Also, invading Iraq and Afghanistan just made al
Qeida even more of a local hero and did wonders for its recruiting
drive. I don't expect you to agree with this assessment but there it
Back to Northwoods: Interesting how, not long after Kennedy blocked
the Pentagon's/CIA's murderous machinations, he was assassinated.
Democracy? Did someone say "democracy"?
I read Bamford's exposé of the cryptocracy and it's not far off the
mark as far as I can see.
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
Happy to oblige.
Given that it's classic example of Yank foreign policy "logic", I
thought you might be able to dig it.. Happy mass murdering...
* * *
Keep on killin 'em till they submit to our superior culture! Hooah!!!
The US idea of nuclear weapons control is designed to ensure that they
(the US) have them and no one else does. As you say, just like gun
control. i.e. The cops (the US) have them, and no one else should
have them.
However, I'm getting so pissed off with their global antics that I'm
starting to see the beauty in a law that enshrines their right to kill
each other in large numbers. It might well be the only solution
Hooah !!!
* * *
Keep on killin 'em till they submit to our superior culture! Hooah!!!
Most of the "problems" the US (unelected) takes it upon itself (and
then demands that the rest of the world "help" it) to "fix", are:
[1] Problems it itself has caused or added to (by its arrogant,
militant foreign policy), and by doing so makes the problem much
[2] "Problems" which only need fixing in order to keep the American
Empire in power over its "protectorates" and "interests".
i.e. A humungous protection racket run by the military industrial
complex to which the US government (and economy) has become
This sets up a feedback loop between [1] and [2] which resembles a
nuclear reactor in melt down.
* * *
When you learn to stop kneejerking and start reading with your brain
The human being I'm directing my rage at are the scum who engineer the
mass murder of hundreds of thousands and often millions in order to
fulfill their very dodgy agendas.
Nah, you're just someone who doesn't want to know anything which
might throw doubt upon the propaganda you've feasted upon. No doubt
you have your reasons for gleefully gobbling up that bullshit.
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
Therefore, I'm left with my unresolved rage, and since I have no
Post by Gerryintention of stooping to their level, I must let them live. But I
will NEVER overlook ANY opportunity to shove their self-righteous
bullshit right back up their arrogant imperial arses, if you catch my
drift. I owe at least that much to the dead.
* * *
Post by GerryListen, you Yankophile, jingoistic, war glorifying arsewipe, if you
want to blow your own trumpet in here about such crap political stuff,
Mr Vice President, please prefix you poxy subject header with "OT",
ok, fuckchop?
Thank you.. Thank you verra much...
Or should I have said "Corker, mate!" ???
* * *
Keep on killin 'em till they submit to our superior culture! Hooah!!!
Nice try, Cuntstable Buttimore, but it scores a huge "FAIL !!!"
So, Cuntstable Buttimore, your now try to justify your unwillingness
to ignore posts and threads in newsgroups as "human nature".
Some posters (weasels, more like it) have implied that I lacked
sympathy for the victims of the Haiti earthquake. To these
point-scoring scumbags I have this to say:
This thread was _never_ about expressing genuine sorrow or sympathy
for the fate of the Haitan victims. It was, from the outset, a
sarcastic exploitation of that event in a pathetic and vindictive
attempt to try to score cheap political mileage on the back of that
disaster as a form of "pay back" for comments I have made in the past
which were critical of US foreign policy. That is the vein in which
I have responded throughout, and therefore I have this to say to those
"Go f*ck yourselves, you low-life weasels."
And I can promise you more of the same if you want to get stupid again
in the future. No problems there. You gets what you pays for. Best
you harden up your killfiles, wankers. I don't take prisoners.
Next !!!
about half a dozen hard core right wing bigots
who have got their nickers in a knot because someone had the hubris to
come in here and express criticism of US foreign policy. One of our
erstwhile prime ministers once used the expression "unrepresentative
swill" and I think it applies quite well to you bogans too.
Get over yourself, Arthur. And anyway, what part of " I can promise
you more of the same if you want to get stupid again in the future.
No problems there. You gets what you pays for. Best you harden up
your killfiles. I don't take prisoners." did you not get?
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
Clearly, you are a low-life weasel in denial. Lie down on the couch
now and tell me all about it. I'm listening. ;-)
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
You sure turn everything to fit your antisemitic conspiracy theory,
eh Gregory. The Nazis would have been proud of you. Jews under the
beds? Wow.
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
It's just SO superior being white, eh?
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
Get over yourself, Arthur. And anyway, what part of " I can promise
you more of the same if you want to get stupid again in the future.
No problems there. You gets what you pays for. Best you harden up
your killfiles. I don't take prisoners." did you not get?
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
I found this bit to be spot-on: "It is hard to gauge why someone
hates you while you are standing in the middle of his country with an
automatic rifle pointed at his chest (and Apaches overhead) and the
complex issue of international terrorism is laid at his often bare and
dirty feet. His reasons for hating us are then legion. Pick one, any
one will do." (Comment in brackets added by me for boB's benefit.)
"Ahhh America... Its a *SUCH* wonderful place to keep the Americans."
Post by Gerry(Go on, boB, gimme a mouthful. You know you want to... ;-)
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
Gee... there's just no end to US paranoia, is there?
First you had to kill millions to save the world from wealth sharing
ideologies, then you had to kill afew more million to save the world
form Islamist extremists who rose to prominence as a result of CIA
and MI6 machinations in the 80's, and now you're gearing up to kill
megamillions to save the world from "the yellow peril"?
Who will someone save us from the neofascist USA?
Ever considered the notion that the US has gone stark raving mad?
* * *
Post by GerryReally? Do you need someone to vouch for you?
No thanks. I have no desire to visit that loony bin called America.
It won't be long before the gun-totin' American population halves
itself in the next mad civil [sic] war. Hopefully you'll then go
real quiet on the international stage for a century or two.
* * *
Hell yeah !!! We can't have good ol' boys runnin' 'round turning
squirt guns into semi-autos, now can we, y'all !! That'd be
un-merkin !!! Hooah !!
* * *
Keep on killin 'em till they submit to our superior culture! Hooah!!!
Post by Gerry... if anyone in this NG mentions Americans, military weapons or
Post by Gerryin the same sentence, then off he goes on his toxic political
More like when someone drags American propaganda in here, or when
someone indulges in some war glorification and "hero" worship.
It might have escaped your dimwitted notice, Mike Winwood, but thes
things have no place in an INTERNATIONAL flightsim newsgroup.
As far as "toxic politics" goes, Mike Winwood, war is about the most
toxic politics can get, and anyone who justifies it is spruiking toxic
political crap.
Post by GerryAs someone has already mentioned earlier."Right from when he
first started posting on this group, I've always judged him as an
extremely socially and mentally unbalanced and deficient sort of a
Well, since the quote was made by a socially and mentally unbalanced
and deficient sort of a bloke, I'd call that projection, wouldn't you,
Mike Winwood?
Sigmund Froyd
A Psycho's Therapist
Providing therapy for the intellectually challenged
So do me a favour, Doug, stop acknowleging that propaganda shit about
me. I don't need it. and I certainly don't want from a scumbag like
you turned out to be. Go f*ck yourself.
* * *
On Saturday, March 5, 2011 at 9:40:25 PM UTC-6, Walt_M wrote:
You justify bombing the shit out of half the world, killinng
because it's "in your interests", and you don't think that's a far
bigger insult to the relatives and friends of those mass murdered
millions world wide, and YOU have the temerity feel "insulted" when a
bit of not-unaccurate repartee is hurled your way?
Get real, pussy.
Especially because quite a few of them have participated in, or otherwise
enabled, the humungous mass murder spree that has been US foreign
policy over that period.
Nurse Ratched
Jan 1
Tragic.... Really tragic...
So you took part in Bush Snr's mass murder spree in Kuwait, eh?
You think having been a clueless pawn in Bush's mass murderous middle
eastern treachery makes you a "patriot"?
Re: Majority in Leading EU Nations Support Trump-Style Travel Ban
The war mongers are winning the "argument". And
you think that will build a better world, Bobby Dearest?
And now the West is reaping what it has sown. And being the
arrogant racist pigs that they are, rather than stopping their mass
murder and political interference, they just always up the ante.
Nurse Ratched
Post by GerryThere are people, mostly right wingnuts, who like to blame all of
Islam for
Post by Gerrythe insane, mass murderous actions of extremist groups like al
Qaeda or
...whose terrorism pales into insignifcance compared to the
state-sanctioned mass murder patriotically dreamed up by Dangerous
Grabass Reactionairies with Imperialist Motives who may carry a copy
of the Weelky Standard... ;-) http://www.economist.com/node/4405615
Nurse Ratched
In a nutshell, Bobby Dearest, you know fuck-all. However, that has
never stopped you justifying mass murder whenever your country
wanted to dress it up as its latest war of "liberation" in order to
further expand the reach of its rapacious capitalist, fuel-guzzling
Gerry Binder
Re: The True Story .........Re: OT - Can Trump stop globalisation's
agenda for the US?
I don't hate Americans per se. I hate the stupid, unneccesary, evil,
mass murder campaigns America has waged, fraudulently presented as
just wars, the obivious and only aim of which as been to further
America's economic "interests" and to punish those who did not kowtow
to America's power.
Nurse Ratched
On Sun, 29 Nov 2015 21:08:33 +1100, Nurse Ratched <***@live.com>
To storm in, roughshod, by military force, murdering hundreds of
thousands in a control-freakish, self-righteous attempt to _impose_
your so-called suprior culture is a dead-set give-away that yours is
is a moronic culture.
This might help Yanks to understand why no one is buying their
egomanic, mass-murder-justifying bombast. A _real_ "war on terror"
would probably be a war on America, but, as explained above, such
a war would not be waged by a superior culture.
Are we getting this yet, my little blossoms? :-)))
Love and kisses,
Nurse Ratched
And please do not tell me that the US does not solve these political
"problems" by state sanctioned mass murder whenever it deems it
On Sat, 17 Jun 2017 09:58:18 +1000, Sigmund_F <***@live.com> wrote:
Yep - as long as we keep hiding behind our governments' propaganda, we
don't have to
acknowledge our own aquiescence to the misery and mass murder our
beautiful, superior
economic system wreaks on the rest of the planet.
"The War on Terror"? Oh yes, that's how we justify (and perpetuate) the
mass murder we call "fighting for freedom and democracy".
Re: Re: OT - Trump-voting Christian fails Good Samaritan test.
Now, here in "the West", there are those who say "don't
talk politics or religion". I say the mass murderous crap
that's happening is only happening _because_ talking
has been replaced by mass murder.
We need more talking and less murder. But here in this
newsgroup , if you say that , you get called a "terrorist
We. gentlemen, are merely _commenting_ on your coutnry, wheras YOU
murder millions in order to _impose_ your idea of what's "right."
Like the mass-murdering Israelis, you keep telling lies about why
terrorism is being directed at you. Not only are you a mass
murderering nation, you're liars and hypocrites as well, so just fuck
right off with disingenuous lecturing, OK?
On Sun, 28 Jul 2013 13:44:03 +1000, Walt_M <***@live.com> wrote:
To Don Butts????
Go fuck yourself, you vile little weasel - ?you pig-ignorant apologist
for US-orchestrated mass murder !!!
It's all about beating the snot out of people, winning, being
superior, and pre-emptive mass murder with you guys, ain't it?
Let's not forget that you are a _fervent_ supporter of state-
sanctioned mass murder and terrorism of the American kind.
Now, Gregory, as a fine upstanding American, what are _you_ doing to
clean up your country's ethics? BTW, if the above is true, if this
mass murder is about maintaining US economic hegemony, then what does
that make the soldiers, sailors and airmen who are the sharp end of
the US Empire's spear?
Come on, Gregory, I _dare_ you to take your argument to its logical
conclusion: What does it make US service personnel? Does it make
them heroes or accomplices in America's war crimes?
Here you have no constitution, no decent set of laws; only a mob of
Ugly Americans (*) and a couple of their sycophantic hangers-on from
the colonies, happily rubber stamping state sanctioned mass murder at
the global level whislt turning on anyone who criticises that shit in
There's heaps more I could add, but the bottom line is if the US
stopped carrying on like the self-appointed sheriff in a town where
he's not wanted, people like me would stop making snide comments.
And stop making excuse for US agression and mass murder.
If the US stopped its mass muderous military interventions and its
clandestine meddling in the affairs of other sovereign states,
"terrorism" woud die down to a level where it could be managed by
rational policing methods.
Most of the crap that has you guys so shit-scared that you're now
body-searching grannies in diapers is a paranoid reaction to the
arrogant, exploitative, and punitive mass murderous foreign policy
your own insane regimes have instigated.
Disclaimer: War is death-causing politics. War machines are
death-causing political instruments. You can't kill millions without
hate. Therefore war is the politics of hate. So spare me the "we
don't do politics here" bullshit. The politcs of hate and justified
mass murder is alive and well in this newsgroup.
On Monday, January 1, 2018 at 4:32:42 PM UTC-6, Nurse Ratched wrote:
Then again, I've yet to meet an American "patriot" who is anything
other than a racist, war-glorifying, moronic, redneck dick-for-brain
- so maybe you're just a typical "patriot".
On Thursday, December 28, 2017 at 5:09:06 PM UTC-6, Nurse Ratched wrote:
Am I anti-Nazi AmeriKKKa? You bet your fucking patooties !!!
I can just see Bobby goose-stepping around his yard, going
"Heil Trump! Heil Trump! Heil Trump!"
On Wednesday, December 27, 2017 at 2:38:45 PM UTC-6, Nurse Ratched wrote:
As I said years ago, America runs on pure, 100 octane jingoist,
buccaneer capitalist propaganda, and has done so since the end
of WW2. The Cold War was America's biggest propaganda scam
and it killed millions around the world. And it's still going on in a
disguised form.
Hence a huge chunk of its population are brainwashed "patriot" morons
whose only way of discerning "truth" is to believe only that which
fits in with the propaganda and to dismiss all else as "fake news".
These are your Trump-voting morons. Trying to reason with them is
But beware, Trump knows that the only thing will lift his dismal
ratings is a major war and his "patriot" moron cohort will gladly
follow him into that hell.
On Nov 7, 7:25am, Walt_M wrote:
I'll just say this though: 9/11 was payback for decades of attrocious
US foreign policy in the middle east. It was come-uppance. And a
whole mountain of propaganda has been piled on to top of that truth in
order to conceal it. they call it "perception management".
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 02:40:03 -0500 Walt_M wrote:
Want me to put into sharp relief for you, Bob? If the US respected
the viewpoints of the Muslim world, 9/11 woud never have happened.
* * *
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
Sigmund_F 2/14/13
Go fuck yourself, Mike Winwood, you're nothing more than a has-been
pusillanimous reservist who never fired a shot in anger.... You live
an some romanticised dream of what fighting in a real war might be
like. You masturbate during war movies. You're a war-glorifying
fraudster, a cyber bully, and a lying megatroll. You're a Pommie
shithead sucking up to your Yank "heroes" - brainwashed to your
eyeballs with no idea that that's what you are. You are pathetic.
Sigmund Froyd
A Psycho's Therapist
Providing therapy for the psychologically impaired
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till they submit to our superior
culture! Hooah!!!"
Walt_M 2/12/13
Guess that is why these type of movies are produced. However, I agree
Post by Gerryare more appropriate newsgroups around for airing this stuff.
Always there will be "more appropriate newsgroups around for airing
this stuff", Don. That does not mean however that I will stop
countering pro-war propaganda, gratuitous war porn, American
imperialist propaganda, and/or any other war-glorifying bullshit
people are wont to dump in here. God has spoken to me, and he said
"Go, you good thing !!!"
On Sun, 22 Jul 2012 22:29:45 -0700 (PDT), Propwash
Post by GerryI'm starting to see the beauty in a law that enshrines their right
to kill
Post by Gerryeach other in large numbers. It might well be the only solution.
Hey Walter, come on over for a visit. I have some free movie tickets
for you!
Thankfully, Prop, due to opinions I've voiced on the internet, the
United States of Paranoia, whilst pretending to be a bastion of free
speech, would not grant me an entry visa.
* * *
Keep on killin 'em till they submit to our superior culture! Hooah!!!
To complete that, add "...to trawl through UseNet, find groups where
a bunch of bullies were ganging up on some guy and then join in the
"fun"". A real fine serial cyberstalker, was Peter. Par excellence.
The real world equivalent would be a guy who cruises the pubs late on
a Saturday night looking for fights breaking out , and when he finds
one, check out which side is winning and get in on the action with the
winning side. Always a winner, was Peter...
Peter was not just a troll, he was a malevolent troll. You might even
say he was evil.
But he went real quiet when I started to link his lies and defamatory
crap with his business name. He didn't like that much... and he
pissed off real quick once he saw that the game was up.
You were saying, Don?
Love and kisses,
Yes, Nev was a particularly obnoxous, lying cyber bully, and like the
ones here, he thought that lies, defamation and personal abuse was
a fair way of dealing with people who said things he disagreed with.
Post by GerryFascinating bloke that Douglas MacArthur. His only son is still alive,
and completely contrary to the MacArthur family's military history, he
became a concert level pianist in New York. He was also a great jazz
musician, and was a strikingly handsome bloke, a la Clarke Gable, etc.
John Ward
Listen, you Yankophile, jingoistic, war glorifying arsewipe, if you
want to blow your own trumpet in here about such crap political stuff,
Mr Vice President, please prefix you poxy subject header with "OT",
ok, fuckchop?
Thank you.. Thank you verra much...
* * *
Keep on killin 'em till they submit to our superior culture! Hooah!!!
Post by GerryHowever, it is perfectly legitimate to state the reason why you have
Post by Gerryto leave.
Sometimes that has been because a member cannot be bothered to read
or reply
Post by Gerryto rudeness or the change in dynamic of a pleasant group.
Well, yeah, there was a nice friendly ol' town down in the Deep South
where all the Good Ol Boys had made themselves a nice pleasant lil
co-moonitee. It was pristine. No niggers. It was pleasant, ah tell
And then along came some nigger called Martin Luther King Jnr and
changed the whole dynamic of that nice little ol white supremacist
town. Ruined the place, he did... Why, half the good folk up an
left... Damn...
You catch mah meanin', boy... ?
On the internet, Quilly, no one can hear you scream...
Post by GerryThankfully, our Bill of Rights wasn't abandoned as a mindless reaction
to the horror of unrestrained evil.
Yes, but you guys have this nasty habit of invading other countries
based on "reasons" generally found to be a pack of evil lies
masquerading as "faulty intelligence" once the truth comes out.
You then deny the victims of your aggression even the most basic human
You lecture the world about the "Rule of Law" and then break every
decent law there is in pursuing "America's interests".
You are a pack of mass murdering hypocrites dressed up as saviours of
the world. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Until you, as a nation, mend
your ways, guys, expect no sympathy from those parts of the world you
have shat on in order to feather your own nests.
Is that enough of a reality check for you, BeeF?
Post by GerryYour rhetoric sort of lends credence to the idea that America has gone
stark raving mad and that it should therefore be disarmed and placed
into a mental health facility until it shows signs of being capable of
rational thought and behaviour. :-))))
Post by GerryI see you are beginning to understand the issue.
Not so sure about that, Brian.
I would deem the entire US to be, as a culture, stark raving mad.
Insane. I would disarm not just your citizens, but also your entire
armed forces. They are in the hands of psychopaths.
Your country is a rogue state and has no right to be a "superpower".
The US is the biggest threat to world peace. It is in the hands of
its military industial complex and it engineers distrust and conflict
around the world in order to sell arms and control and enlarge its
sphere of influence. You call it free enterprise. I call it
psychopathic totalitarian capitalism bent on global control.
Still think I'm starting to understand the issue? :-))))
Post by GerryOn Thu, 13 Jun 2013 11:01:48 +1200, "donbutts"
I dislike his anti-American stance intensely...
Dislike away, Don, but AT LEAST GET IT RIGHT !!!
My stance is against US FOREIGN POLICY, not against Americans per se.
In particular, I am against US-orchestrated wars. I am against the
terrorism which masquerades as "the war on terror".
And I resent the fact that you're a stupid maggot who cannot figure
out that he's sucking up to the wrong people in here.
Go fuck yourself, you vile little weasel - you pig-ignorant apologist
for US-orchestrated mass murder !!!
Loading Image...=====================================
Post by GerryOn Thu, 13 Jun 2013 11:01:48 +1200, "donbutts"
I dislike his anti-American stance intensely...
Go fuck yourself, you vile little weasel - you pig-ignorant apologist
for US-orchestrated mass murder !!!
Post by GerryOn Fri, 21 Jun 2013 19:04:17 +1200, "donbutts"
Don't know why you want to turn this place back into a haven for
misogynistic, Islam-hating, flight simming
wannabe-gunslingers-for-extreme-capitalism, Don... Is there
something about that in the laws you refer to?
Me? I'm quite happy here, thanks for asking...
We all know what brought you here. The motorcycle group ran out of
Post by GerryWrong. again.
Hey, there are no drongo, prick, turdball and similar names here on the
offer that you thrive on -
I don't thrive on them. I CHOOSE to DEAL WITH abusers when they do
their stuff.
So why not piddle off now and find some.
Because, contrary to your low slur, that's not why I'm here. I'm
here because it's a flight sim nowsgroup and I enjoy flight simming.
I also enjoy a bit of OT stuff. I also consider it my mission in life
to counteract foul-smelling Yank propaganda when some clever-dick
plonks some into this newsgroup.
Give it up, Don. You're starting look like you're obsesssed with
running me out of the newsgroup. Not a good look...
On 6/21/2013 5:33 AM, Walt_M wrote:>
Post by GerryIn here, I'm just giving the war glorifying/justifying idiots a
practical demonstration about how war only leads to more war. When
they finally get it, there will be peace. Till then, there will be
war. War they are at least 50% responsible for.
Post by GerryI'll be part of a film crew looking to film any and all outbreaks of
violence at the massive peaceful protest being organised. We're
particlary interested in exposing police violence and the specially
trained pseudo-protesters which ASIO likes to insert into such
gatherings in order to discredit the protests.
We're very professional, John. We use a three-layer system. i.e.
The point photographer, the photoropher filming anyone who attacks or
interferes with the point photographer, and the area photographer who
captures the whole scene. ASIO are well aware of our tactics so this
is no secret. They hate us.
In turn, he was fascinated to hear about my contacts with the Z Special
Wow !! Did he roll his eyes as you spoke? Did they appear slightly
You no longer have anonymity.
Never had any. Never needed it. Nothing to hide, John...
Very important with events such as the G20 coming up in Aus'......
ASIO have files on me and my collegues. Have had for years. Not a
problem. We have nothing to hide. We are committed to non-violent
political action and the de-frocking of those who cause violence at
protest rallies.
Give your "mate" Walt's email address. He'd love to meet him. I can
assure you. We'll be sure to talk about you too, John.
No big deal to me. mate, at all - just letting you know that you're
Post by Gerrymonitored, just to be fair to you.
As I've already said, ASIO have wasted a fair bit of _your_ money
already trying to find something to hang on me. All they've got is a
file documenting their amazing paranoia, ineptitude, and stupidity.
They've got nothing which they could not have gotten openly by sitting
down with me over a few beers and a good chin wag. :-)
Give your "mate" Walt's email address. Between him and Walt, they'll
make the G20 summit a safe, peaceful event. No one need get hurt
unless your mate's goons stuff up. We're professionals.... :-))))
Nurse Ratched
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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
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Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?
Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:
Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?
Let the good times roll...
Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!
Offense is always free in usenet
Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiters, Bacon Boys, paranoid schizophrenics and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.
POSER - Exaggerator
Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.
Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.
The facts speak for themselves:
Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.
Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.
*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average