OT - Freedom has turned deadly.
(too old to reply)
2021-04-11 04:14:51 UTC

Sygmund Froyd
.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2021-04-11 16:01:20 UTC
On 4/10/2021 11:14 PM, Sygmund_F aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched,
aka Sigmund Froyd, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka Jew Hating
Nazi, aka GOD, aka TheWiz,
Post by Sygmund_F
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
Sygmund Froyd
Ahhhh... The Bigot Twin found a meme... :)

Here ya go, some more for ya...

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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
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Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?

Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:

Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?

Let the good times roll...

Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!

Offense is always free in usenet

Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiters, Bacon Boys, paranoid schizophrenics and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.


POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.

*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average


2021-04-13 01:08:50 UTC
On Sun, 11 Apr 2021 11:01:20 -0500, Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bully boB,
Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer, a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare, a
Trump-voting, AR-15 loving, fake news regurgitating, Stormfront,
Breitbart, Infowars and The Daily Stormer reading, obnoxious, lying,
defamatory, gaslighting, CYBERSTALKING, neo-Nazi white supremacist
"patriot" TOXIC ABUSE TROLL who may even be a member of white
nationalist terror groups such as "Atomwaffen", "The Oath Keepers",
and "The Base", and who was majorly instrumental in the destruction of
this once fine flight sim newsgroup once again used the following
derogatory, defamatory and abusive terms when referring to Gerry
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.

Poor Bully boB... What a sad little military issue brainwashed brain
he's got. - so bereft of worthwhile ideas. And now that it's come
down to the endgame, what's he got left? Cyberstalking, abuse,
defamatory lies and gaslighting. Cyberstalking, abuse, defamatory
lies and gaslighting is all he's got. That's it. He's got
nothing else. Nil. Nada. Zip.

And what's it all about? Well, this AmeriKKKan "patriot" is the last
remaining pathetic member of a small gang of abusive and defamatory
cyber-thugs who destroyed this newsgroup by waging their
five-year-long cyber-bullying War On Gerry, starting in 2010.

And why? Well, it's all because Gerry had the temerity to call out
and challenge OFF TOPIC AmeriKKKan "patriot" war propaganda bullshit
(and other off topic crap) which really had no place in what was
supposed to be an _international_ flightsim forum.

Thanks to the efforts of Bully boB and his small gaggle of "patriot"
compadres, a mass exodus of people occurred and this newsgroup ceased
being a flightsim newsgroup in 2015. Since then, apparently with the
aim of ensuring that this newsgroup did not recover, he continued,
like the true "patriot" he is, to ongoingly subject Gerry to abuse and
defamatory lies. So, to be clear, dear reader, Bully boB has been
abusing and defaming Gerry for TEN YEARS now!

Here's a test readers can do: Go back over _any_ sample of 100
threads in the last ten years, and see who, IN EACH THREAD,
_initiates_ the personal abuse. I assert that you will find that
Bully boB is the perpetrator in 99.9% of cases and then it will become
clear to the reader who the LYING DEFAMATORY ABUSE TROLL is around

Cyberstalking, abuse and defamatory lies. That's all Bully boB's got.
That's his best shot. Says it all, really. So, as you can see, Bully
boB, like most AmeriKKKan "patriots", has severe unresolved
psychological issues. Cognitive dissonance and psychological
projection have so distorted his already-fucked worldview that he,
like his hero, Donald "I cannot tell a lie" Trump, no longer has even
the faintest grip on reality.



However, we really ought to be a bit forgiving of Bully bob. You see,
it's not really his fault. He, like millions upon millions of other
AmeriKKKan "patriots" is the brainwashed product of the military
industrial complex. They fed him a whole barrel-full of propaganda
crap in order to get him to be a nice little unthinking attack droid
(I don't know why they call it the "Defence" Department - they ought
to call it the Attack Department.)

So, there was poor little brainwashed Bully boB, a head full of
beliefs based on lies and war propaganda, and along comes "commie"
Gerry with a whole bunch of challenging ideas. What's a "patriot" to
do? Cognitive dissonance happened, that's what.

Part of Bully boB's brain knows, deep down, that Gerry is right, so
what does it do? Its brainwashed other half can't let him admit that,
so it goes into cerebral overload and blows a fuse. Its fried
cognitive circuits now cobble together an ersatz "reality" in which
wrong is right, black is white, down is up, and so on - just so it can
stay true to its "patriot" brainwashing.

But the other part of his brain, the part that knows that Gerry is
right, is still there, and it's disgusted with what "patriot" brain
is now thinking. Guilt and self-loathing set in, but they must, at
all costs be suppressed, so... projection happens... Gerry is wrong.
It's all Gerry's fault. Hate Gerry! Big Bad Evil Gerry! Gotta get
rid of Gerry! Etc., etc., etc.

Dear reader, you really need to get that Bully bob, due to the
cognitive dissonance caused by his brain trying reconcile the
undeniable truth of the reality all around him with the "patriot"
lies and propaganda he's been (and being) fed by his political
masters, leaves his brain nowhere to go but to La La Land.

As Jesus once said "Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they

But you watch, dear reader, Builly boB will come back at this message
with - you guessed it - more lies and abuse. He's been stuck in this
brain-fried cognitive dissonance loop for ten years now. He can't
stop. His "patriot" brain won't let him. He has to "save" AmeriKKKa.

"...and the beat goes on, the beat goes on..."

US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
US Rationalisation #1: "We had to
destroy the village in order to save
it from the Viet Cong"
US Rationalisation #2: "We had to
destroy the country in order to save
it from Saddam Hussein."
US Rationalisation #3: "We had to
destroy the world in order to save
it from people who don't like being
fucked over by our corporations."
Bully Bob's Rationalisation:
"We 'patriots' had to destroy this
newsgroup in order to save it from
'the Beast of AGMSFS'."
=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer,
a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's
"offensive" sigs. Classic examples of which are as
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has
uttered, but, for some weird unfathomable reason
(maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is NOT offended
when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass
murder all over this planet to further its own corrupt
empire and calling that "fighting for freedom and

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination
plots in other countries because their leaders are not

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes
which are not "US-friendly".***

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic,
mass murderous regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations
vacuum huge profits out of their countries whilst
paying local employees peanuts and avoiding local

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs
who, like himself, were once suckered into that
mass-murderous shit-storm which is US foreign policy,
but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT
accomplished by participating in or condoning
America's mass murder of millions in order to "liberate"
them so as to expose their countries to economic rape
and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets
all over their countryside which will continue to kill
and maim innocent civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent
orange" or depleted uranium, thereby making millions of
innocent civilians sick and causing millions of birth
defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another
country's sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror
suspects" without affording said "suspects" anything
even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in
the form of harmless, tiny little electronic characters
appearing on people's monitors, tablets or cell
phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally only
experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists
for state sanctioned mass murder and the glorification
of war.

.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2021-04-11 17:32:07 UTC

Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?


2021-04-13 01:07:40 UTC
On Sun, 11 Apr 2021 12:32:07 -0500, Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six,
a.k.a. Truth Sayer, a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare, a Trump-voting,
AR-15 loving, fake news regurgitating, Stormfront, Breitbart, Infowars
and The Daily Stormer reading, obnoxious, lying, defamatory,
gaslighting, cyberstalking, neo-Nazi white supremacist "patriot" TOXIC
ABUSE TROLL who may even be a member of white nationalist terror
groups such as "Atomwaffen", "The Oath Keepers", and "The Base", and
who was majorly instrumental in the destruction of this once fine
flight sim newsgroup whilst exhibiting the classic signs of a massive
Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades..
Oh really, Bully boB? And how does socialism do that?

Also, tell me, Bully boB, why did (and still does) America wage wars
againstsocialists in _other_ countries, killing millions and millions
ofpeople (including a huge chunk of the civilian population), when
being a socialist is a perfectly legal thing to be doing in America?

So, if it's legal in America to be a socialist, by what insane "logic"
does America justify waging war upon war upon war against socialist
regimes? And let's be clear, war _is_ state-sanctioned mass murder
dressed up by lies and disinformation to look like a noble cause to
the deliberately disinformed.

Is it because socialist regimes stifle democracy? Well, America does
this too. America's posture has been (and still is) "You can have any
regime you like as long it's 'America friendly' i.e. as long as you
allow American corporations to exploit your people and your resources
- and if you don't, we'll make sure your regime is toppled. We'll even
install a dictatorship if we have to. We'll even invade you if we
have to." That's democratic, is it? Clearly not! That's American
capitalist _authoritarianism_.

Is it because socialism doesn't work? Well, let's think about that
for a minute, shall we, Bully boB? America so severely throttles and
constrains socialist regimes with trade sanctions, embargoes,
blockades, internal undermining (including black ops and
assassinations), etc., that their economies collapse. For America to
then say "See, socialism doesn't work" is a complete scam - it's a
massive Mafia-esque protection racket set up to install American
capitalist _authoritarianism_.

Is it about human rights abuses by socialist regimes? Hardly. The
pro-American dictators (generals, shahs, kings, sultans and emirs)
that America has installed in countless countries around the world
over the years have had just as bad a track record on human rights as
any socialist regime - if not more so. Ask yourself this, Bully boB:
Has America ever invaded a human rights abusing _capitalist_
dictatorship? No! Interesting, eh? Ever wondered why that is Bully
So, the Cold War was/is ABSOLUTELY NOT not about human rights.

Hang about... If it's not about freedom, democracy, human rights or
"lifting them out of poverty", then what is it all about, Bully boB?
Why _did_ America kill millions and millions of people in its wars
against "evil" socialism?

It was _always_ about America's self-serving money-grabbing

Since Woodrow Wilson's presidency it's always been about corporate
profits sucked out of foreign countries and sent back to America, i.e.
neocolonial exploitation. It was _always_ about the economic rape
and pillage of "developing" countries - and a scam called "foreign
aid". Here's an article about a book you might want to read because
it gives you a few clues to America's "foreign aid" scam:

And here's the kicker, Bully boB: Without the said economic rape and
pillage of foreign countries by America's economic and miltary
tentacles, America's economy would totally collapse - it would be a
basket case of Venezuelan proportions.

And now we can see clearly why socialist regimes have been deemed
"evil" by America: Because they disallow parasitic American
corporations to come in and suck the lifeblood out of the domestic
economies of developing countries - and hopefully make them forever
dependent upon, and continue to be, exploited by America. That's a
nice mafia-esque protection racket you guys have got there, Bully

American capitalism is a global parasite keeping the American economy
from collapsing - at the expense of developing countries. Now, you
don't have to be a genius to understand that this tends to breed
anti-imperialist (socialist) thinking in countries thus exploited, and
then, when a socialist regime gets elected, you fucking evil mobsters
start your mass murderous Mafia-esque racket all over again.

As far back as 1934, Smedley Butler, a retired United States Marine
Corps Major
General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient saw it all coming - and
he had this to say (read it and weep, Bully boB):

Gerry is... a terrorist sympathizer...
Bullshit! Gerry has _always_ maintained that he abhors and denounces
political violence of ALL kinds - be it the AmeriKKKan
state-sanctioned mass murder propagandised via massive disinformation
campaigns as wars of "liberation", or the mass murderous _reactions_
and _retaliations_ against AmeriKKKa's mass murderous meddlings in the
affairs of other countries which AmeriKKKa neatly re-brands as
"terrorism". Both strategies perpetuate the cycle of political

Chalmers Johnson wrote an excellent trilogy of well researched books
on the subject of AmeriKKKan foreign policy "blowback", if you really
want to inform yourself:

And once you've got your brain around Chalmers Johnson's mind-opening
elucidations, you might like to further educate yourself about
AmeriKKKa's belligerent, arrogant, self-serving, mass murderous
foreign policy by working your way through the following reading list:

Killing Hope - by William Blum
The Normalization of War - by Andrew J. Bacevich
Dreaming War - by Gore Vidal
A Pretext for War - by James Bamford
Perpetual War [...] - by Gore Vidal
Secrets - by Daniel Ellsberg
A Bright Shining Lie - by Neil Sheehan
Body Of Secrets - by James Bamford
Rogue State - by William Blum
Rogue States - by Noam Chomsky
Rogue Nation - by Clyde Prestowitz
The Last Empire - by Gore Vidal
A People's History of The U.S. - by Howard Zinn
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - by Greg Palast
Hegemony or Survival - by Noam Chomsky
After The Empire by Emmanuel Todd
Tell Me No Lies - by John Pilger
Will They Ever Trust Us Again - by Michael Moore

When you've finished reading these books, Bully boB, you'll understand
perfectly why, all around the world, people are loudly shouting

But AmeriKKKa can't go home, can it, Bully boB? AmeriKKKa's 1000+
massive military bases on foreign soil are a crucial part of its
military industrial complex which, as forewarned by President
has so totally ensnared
the AmeriKKKan economy and its people that AmeriKKKa can actually no
longer afford to let peace break out on the planet because that would
not only crash the AmeriKKKan economy, but also break the military
industrial complex's usurped grip on power. Hence AmeriKKKa's economy
is now totally dependent on war mongering, war waging (US sanctioned
mass murder), arms sales, and global dominance. AmeriKKKa's Mafia-
esque global protection racket now _IS_ the raison d'être of the
AmeriKKKan economy.

To put it bluntly, Bully boB, AmeriKKKa is fucked - and, thanks to you
pricks, so is most of the rest of the world!


P.S. You might get a few more clues from this group of pissed-off
AmeriKKKan veterans: https://www.vvawai.org/section/about-us
Disclaimer: Unlike the VVAW(AI), I do not approve of violent
resistance. I believe that cunning and creative non-violent protest
and resistance can bring down any corrupt regime.

US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
US Rationalisation #1: "We had to
destroy the village in order to save
US Rationalisation #2: "We had to
destroy the country in order to save
US Rationalisation #3: "We had to
destroy the world in order to save
Bully Bob's Rationalisation:
"We 'patriots' had to destroy this
newsgroup in order to save it from
'the Beast of AGMSFS'."

=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer,
a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's
"offensive" sigs. Classic examples of which are as
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has
uttered, but, for some weird unfathomable reason
(maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is NOT offended
when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass
murder all over this planet to further its own corrupt
empire and calling that "fighting for freedom and

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination
plots in other countries because their leaders are not

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes
which are not "US-friendly".***

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic,
mass murderous regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations
vacuum huge profits out of their countries whilst
paying local employees peanuts and avoiding local

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs
who, like himself, were once suckered into that
mass-murderous shit-storm which is US foreign policy,
but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT
accomplished by participating in or condoning
America's mass murder of millions in order to "liberate"
them so as to expose their countries to economic rape
and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets
all over their countryside which will continue to kill
and maim innocent civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent
orange" or depleted uranium, thereby making millions of
innocent civilians sick and causing millions of birth
defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another
country's sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror
suspects" without affording said "suspects" anything
even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in
the form of harmless, tiny little electronic characters
appearing on people's monitors, tablets or cell
phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally only
experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists
for state sanctioned mass murder and the glorification
of war.

.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2021-04-13 16:23:30 UTC
On 4/12/2021 8:07 PM, GOD aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched, aka
Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka
Jew Hating Nazi, aka GOD, aka TheWiz,
Post by GOD
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades..
Oh really, Bully boB? And how does socialism do that?
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Post by GOD
Who is threatening who?
Post by GOD
AmeriKKKa - the world's premier war monger.
AmeriKKKa - profiteering from the mass murder of millions
Gun barrel capitalism - made in AmeriKKKa and exported all over the
Post by GOD
Sygmund Froyd

Holy Shit!!!!

If there was any doubt in anyone's mind that Gerry is a full-blown Pinko
Commie Fag then all you have to do is look at his "Go-To" references.

REVCOM - The voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party


NOLAWORKERS - Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!

What kind of piece of shit asshole reads and quotes this communist
trash? Well, Gerry does.

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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
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Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?

Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:

Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?

Let the good times roll...

Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!

Offense is always free in usenet

Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiters, Bacon Boys, paranoid schizophrenics and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.


POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.

*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average


2021-04-13 19:46:55 UTC
On Tue, 13 Apr 2021 11:23:30 -0500, Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six,
a.k.a. Truth Sayer, a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare, a Trump-voting,
AR-15 loving, fake news regurgitating, Stormfront, Breitbart, Infowars
and The Daily Stormer reading, obnoxious, lying, defamatory,
gaslighting, cyberstalking, neo-Nazi white supremacist "patriot" TOXIC
ABUSE TROLL who may even be a member of white nationalist terror
groups such as "Atomwaffen", "The Oath Keepers", and "The Base", and
who was majorly instrumental in the destruction of this once fine
flight sim newsgroup whilst exhibiting the classic signs of a massive
Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades..
Oh really, Bully boB? And how does socialism do that?

Also, tell me, Bully boB, why did (and still does) America wage wars
againstsocialists in _other_ countries, killing millions and millions
ofpeople (including a huge chunk of the civilian population), when
being a socialist is a perfectly legal thing to be doing in America?

So, if it's legal in America to be a socialist, by what insane "logic"
does America justify waging war upon war upon war against socialist
regimes? And let's be clear, war _is_ state-sanctioned mass murder
dressed up by lies and disinformation to look like a noble cause to
the deliberately disinformed.

Is it because socialist regimes stifle democracy? Well, America does
this too. America's posture has been (and still is) "You can have any
regime you like as long it's 'America friendly' i.e. as long as you
allow American corporations to exploit your people and your resources
- and if you don't, we'll make sure your regime is toppled. We'll even
install a dictatorship if we have to. We'll even invade you if we
have to." That's democratic, is it? Clearly not! That's American
capitalist _authoritarianism_.

Is it because socialism doesn't work? Well, let's think about that
for a minute, shall we, Bully boB? America so severely throttles and
constrains socialist regimes with trade sanctions, embargoes,
blockades, internal undermining (including black ops and
assassinations), etc., that their economies collapse. For America to
then say "See, socialism doesn't work" is a complete scam - it's a
massive Mafia-esque protection racket set up to install American
capitalist _authoritarianism_.

Is it about human rights abuses by socialist regimes? Hardly. The
pro-American dictators (generals, shahs, kings, sultans and emirs)
that America has installed in countless countries around the world
over the years have had just as bad a track record on human rights as
any socialist regime - if not more so. Ask yourself this, Bully boB:
Has America ever invaded a human rights abusing _capitalist_
dictatorship? No! Interesting, eh? Ever wondered why that is Bully
So, the Cold War was/is ABSOLUTELY NOT not about human rights.

Hang about... If it's not about freedom, democracy, human rights or
"lifting them out of poverty", then what is it all about, Bully boB?
Why _did_ America kill millions and millions of people in its wars
against "evil" socialism?

It was _always_ about America's self-serving money-grabbing

Since Woodrow Wilson's presidency it's always been about corporate
profits sucked out of foreign countries and sent back to America, i.e.
neocolonial exploitation. It was _always_ about the economic rape
and pillage of "developing" countries - and a scam called "foreign
aid". Here's an article about a book you might want to read because
it gives you a few clues to America's "foreign aid" scam:

And here's the kicker, Bully boB: Without the said economic rape and
pillage of foreign countries by America's economic and miltary
tentacles, America's economy would totally collapse - it would be a
basket case of Venezuelan proportions.

And now we can see clearly why socialist regimes have been deemed
"evil" by America: Because they disallow parasitic American
corporations to come in and suck the lifeblood out of the domestic
economies of developing countries - and hopefully make them forever
dependent upon, and continue to be, exploited by America. That's a
nice mafia-esque protection racket you guys have got there, Bully

American capitalism is a global parasite keeping the American economy
from collapsing - at the expense of developing countries. Now, you
don't have to be a genius to understand that this tends to breed
anti-imperialist (socialist) thinking in countries thus exploited, and
then, when a socialist regime gets elected, you fucking evil mobsters
start your mass murderous Mafia-esque racket all over again.

As far back as 1934, Smedley Butler, a retired United States Marine
Corps Major
General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient saw it all coming - and
he had this to say (read it and weep, Bully boB):

Gerry is... a terrorist sympathizer...
Bullshit! Gerry has _always_ maintained that he abhors and denounces
political violence of ALL kinds - be it the AmeriKKKan
state-sanctioned mass murder propagandised via massive disinformation
campaigns as wars of "liberation", or the mass murderous _reactions_
and _retaliations_ against AmeriKKKa's mass murderous meddlings in the
affairs of other countries which AmeriKKKa neatly re-brands as
"terrorism". Both strategies perpetuate the cycle of political

Chalmers Johnson wrote an excellent trilogy of well researched books
on the subject of AmeriKKKan foreign policy "blowback", if you really
want to inform yourself:

And once you've got your brain around Chalmers Johnson's mind-opening
elucidations, you might like to further educate yourself about
AmeriKKKa's belligerent, arrogant, self-serving, mass murderous
foreign policy by working your way through the following reading list:

Killing Hope - by William Blum
The Normalization of War - by Andrew J. Bacevich
Dreaming War - by Gore Vidal
A Pretext for War - by James Bamford
Perpetual War [...] - by Gore Vidal
Secrets - by Daniel Ellsberg
A Bright Shining Lie - by Neil Sheehan
Body Of Secrets - by James Bamford
Rogue State - by William Blum
Rogue States - by Noam Chomsky
Rogue Nation - by Clyde Prestowitz
The Last Empire - by Gore Vidal
A People's History of The U.S. - by Howard Zinn
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - by Greg Palast
Hegemony or Survival - by Noam Chomsky
After The Empire by Emmanuel Todd
Tell Me No Lies - by John Pilger
Will They Ever Trust Us Again - by Michael Moore

When you've finished reading these books, Bully boB, you'll understand
perfectly why, all around the world, people are loudly shouting

But AmeriKKKa can't go home, can it, Bully boB? AmeriKKKa's 1000+
massive military bases on foreign soil are a crucial part of its
military industrial complex which, as forewarned by President
http://youtu.be/8y06NSBBRtY has so totally ensnared
the AmeriKKKan economy and its people that AmeriKKKa can actually no
longer afford to let peace break out on the planet because that would
not only crash the AmeriKKKan economy, but also break the military
industrial complex's usurped grip on power. Hence AmeriKKKa's economy
is now totally dependent on war mongering, war waging (US sanctioned
mass murder), arms sales, and global dominance. AmeriKKKa's Mafia-
esque global protection racket now _IS_ the raison d'être of the
AmeriKKKan economy.

To put it bluntly, Bully boB, AmeriKKKa is fucked - and, thanks to you
pricks, so is most of the rest of the world!


P.S. You might get a few more clues from this group of pissed-off
AmeriKKKan veterans: https://www.vvawai.org/section/about-us
Disclaimer: Unlike the VVAW(AI), I do not approve of violent
resistance. I believe that cunning and creative non-violent protest
and resistance can bring down any corrupt regime.

US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
US Rationalisation #1: "We had to
destroy the village in order to save
US Rationalisation #2: "We had to
destroy the country in order to save
US Rationalisation #3: "We had to
destroy the world in order to save
Bully Bob's Rationalisation:
"We 'patriots' had to destroy this
newsgroup in order to save it from
'the Beast of AGMSFS'."

=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer,
a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's
"offensive" sigs. Classic examples of which are as
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has
uttered, but, for some weird unfathomable reason
(maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is NOT offended
when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass
murder all over this planet to further its own corrupt
empire and calling that "fighting for freedom and

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination
plots in other countries because their leaders are not

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes
which are not "US-friendly".***

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic,
mass murderous regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations
vacuum huge profits out of their countries whilst
paying local employees peanuts and avoiding local

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs
who, like himself, were once suckered into that
mass-murderous shit-storm which is US foreign policy,
but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT
accomplished by participating in or condoning
America's mass murder of millions in order to "liberate"
them so as to expose their countries to economic rape
and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets
all over their countryside which will continue to kill
and maim innocent civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent
orange" or depleted uranium, thereby making millions of
innocent civilians sick and causing millions of birth
defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another
country's sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror
suspects" without affording said "suspects" anything
even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in
the form of harmless, tiny little electronic characters
appearing on people's monitors, tablets or cell
phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally only
experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists
for state sanctioned mass murder and the glorification
of war.

.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2021-04-14 16:30:00 UTC
On 4/13/2021 2:46 PM, N=N+1(3) aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched, aka
Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1, aka
Jew Hating Nazi, aka GOD, aka TheWiz,
Post by GOD
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
If it's not about freedom, democracy, human rights or
"lifting them out of poverty", then what is it all about, Bully boB?
Why_did_ America kill millions and millions of people in its wars
against "evil" socialism?
There it is again... Millions and Millions.... Bwahahahahahaha

Troll Gerry can't help himself. I double-dog dare the fuckwit to prove
that statement...

He can't, because everything Gerry spews is a lie and exaggeration. He
can't help himself, most narcissistic psychopaths can't.

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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
\ (• •) /
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Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?

Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:

Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?

Let the good times roll...

Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!

Offense is always free in usenet

Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiters, Bacon Boys, paranoid schizophrenics and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.


POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.

*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average


2021-04-15 23:55:05 UTC
On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 11:30:00 -0500, Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bully boB,
Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer, a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare, a
Trump-voting, AR-15 loving, fake news regurgitating, Stormfront,
Breitbart, Infowars and The Daily Stormer reading, obnoxious, lying,
defamatory, gaslighting, CYBERSTALKING, neo-Nazi white supremacist
"patriot" TOXIC ABUSE TROLL who may even be a member of white
nationalist terror groups such as "Atomwaffen", "The Oath Keepers",
and "The Base", and who was majorly instrumental in the destruction of
this once fine flight sim newsgroup once again used the following
derogatory, defamatory and abusive terms when referring to Gerry
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
And then, when asked "Why_did_ America kill millions and millions of
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
There it is again... Millions and Millions.... Bwahahahahahaha
Troll Gerry can't help himself. I double-dog dare the fuckwit to prove
that statement...
You might like to further your education about belligerent, arrogant,
self-serving, mass murderous AmeriKKKan foreign policy by working your
way through the following reading list, Bully boB:

The Normalization of War - by Andrew J. Bacevich
Dreaming War - by Gore Vidal
A Pretext for War - by James Bamford
Perpetual War [...] - by Gore Vidal
Secrets - by Daniel Ellsberg
A Bright Shining Lie - by Neil Sheehan
Body Of Secrets - by James Bamford
Rogue State - by William Blum
Rogue States - by Noam Chomsky
Rogue Nation - by Clyde Prestowitz
The Last Empire - by Gore Vidal
A People's History of The U.S. - by Howard Zinn
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - by Greg Palast
Hegemony or Survival - by Noam Chomsky
After The Empire by Emmanuel Todd
Tell Me No Lies - by John Pilger

...but the best book by far, IMHO, is "Killing Hope: U.S. Military and
C.I.A. Interventions since World War II" - by William Blum. This book
is a history of covert CIA operations and United States military
interventions during the second half of the 20th century. It covers
various US foreign policy adventures from just after World War II
onward. Its basic premise is that the American Cold War activities
abroad were done with imperialist motives. The CIA thinks so highly of
this book that they even let you download a free, unredacted PDF copy

Happy reading, Bully boB.

And when you've read that lot you will realise that, since AmeriKKKa
began its "Cold War" in 1945, till now, it has been by far the biggest
mass murderer on the planet, all the while chanting its hypnotic
mantra "Liberation, Freedom, Democracy" whilst installing murderous
right-wing dictators/kings/shahs/despots all over the world in order
to set up its global totalitarian brand of buccaneer capitalism.

So, there's your proof, Bully boB, contained in a library of
well-researched, propaganda-demolishing books.

Now, back to the topic du jour:


Poor Bully boB... What a sad little military issue brainwashed brain
he's got. - so bereft of worthwhile ideas. And now that it's come
down to the endgame, what's he got left? Cyberstalking, abuse,
defamatory lies and gaslighting. Cyberstalking, abuse, defamatory
lies and gaslighting is all he's got. That's it. He's got
nothing else. Nil. Nada. Zip.

And what's it all about? Well, this AmeriKKKan "patriot" is the last
remaining pathetic member of a small gang of abusive and defamatory
cyber-thugs who destroyed this newsgroup by waging their
five-year-long cyber-bullying War On Gerry, starting in 2010.

And why? Well, it's all because Gerry had the temerity to call out
and challenge OFF TOPIC AmeriKKKan "patriot" war propaganda bullshit
(and other off topic crap) which really had no place in what was
supposed to be an _international_ flightsim forum.

Thanks to the efforts of Bully boB and his small gaggle of "patriot"
compadres, a mass exodus of people occurred and this newsgroup ceased
being a flightsim newsgroup in 2015. Since then, apparently with the
aim of ensuring that this newsgroup did not recover, he continued,
like the true "patriot" he is, to ongoingly subject Gerry to abuse and
defamatory lies. So, to be clear, dear reader, Bully boB has been
abusing and defaming Gerry for TEN YEARS now!

Here's a test readers can do: Go back over _any_ sample of 100
threads in the last ten years, and see who, IN EACH THREAD,
_initiates_ the personal abuse. I assert that you will find that
Bully boB is the perpetrator in 99.9% of cases and then it will become
clear to the reader who the LYING DEFAMATORY ABUSE TROLL is around

Cyberstalking, abuse and defamatory lies. That's all Bully boB's got.
That's his best shot. Says it all, really. So, as you can see, Bully
boB, like most AmeriKKKan "patriots", has severe unresolved
psychological issues. Cognitive dissonance and psychological
projection have so distorted his already-fucked worldview that he,
like his hero, Donald "I cannot tell a lie" Trump, no longer has even
the faintest grip on reality.



However, we really ought to be a bit forgiving of Bully bob. You see,
it's not really his fault. He, like millions upon millions of other
AmeriKKKan "patriots" is the brainwashed product of the military
industrial complex. They fed him a whole barrel-full of propaganda
crap in order to get him to be a nice little unthinking attack droid
(I don't know why they call it the "Defence" Department - they ought
to call it the Attack Department.)

So, there was poor little brainwashed Bully boB, a head full of
beliefs based on lies and war propaganda, and along comes "commie"
Gerry with a whole bunch of challenging ideas. What's a "patriot" to
do? Cognitive dissonance happened, that's what.

Part of Bully boB's brain knows, deep down, that Gerry is right, so
what does it do? Its brainwashed other half can't let him admit that,
so it goes into cerebral overload and blows a fuse. Its fried
cognitive circuits now cobble together an ersatz "reality" in which
wrong is right, black is white, down is up, and so on - just so it can
stay true to its "patriot" brainwashing.

But the other part of his brain, the part that knows that Gerry is
right, is still there, and it's disgusted with what "patriot" brain
is now thinking. Guilt and self-loathing set in, but they must, at
all costs be suppressed, so... projection happens... Gerry is wrong.
It's all Gerry's fault. Hate Gerry! Big Bad Evil Gerry! Gotta get
rid of Gerry! Etc., etc., etc.

Dear reader, you really need to get that Bully bob, due to the
cognitive dissonance caused by his brain trying reconcile the
undeniable truth of the reality all around him with the "patriot"
lies and propaganda he's been (and being) fed by his political
masters, leaves his brain nowhere to go but to La La Land.

As Jesus once said "Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they

But you watch, dear reader, Builly boB will come back at this message
with - you guessed it - more lies and abuse. He's been stuck in this
brain-fried cognitive dissonance loop for ten years now. He can't
stop. His "patriot" brain won't let him. He has to "save" AmeriKKKa.

"...and the beat goes on, the beat goes on..."


US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
US Rationalisation #1: "We had to
destroy the village in order to save
it from the Viet Cong"
US Rationalisation #2: "We had to
destroy the country in order to save
it from Saddam Hussein."
US Rationalisation #3: "We had to
destroy the world in order to save
it from people who don't like being
fucked over by our corporations."
Bully Bob's Rationalisation:
"We 'patriots' had to destroy this
newsgroup in order to save it from
'the Beast of AGMSFS'."
=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer,
a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's
"offensive" sigs. Classic examples of which are as
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has
uttered, but, for some weird unfathomable reason
(maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is NOT offended
when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass
murder all over this planet to further its own corrupt
empire and calling that "fighting for freedom and

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination
plots in other countries because their leaders are not

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes
which are not "US-friendly".***

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic,
mass murderous regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations
vacuum huge profits out of their countries whilst
paying local employees peanuts and avoiding local

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs
who, like himself, were once suckered into that
mass-murderous shit-storm which is US foreign policy,
but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT
accomplished by participating in or condoning
America's mass murder of millions in order to "liberate"
them so as to expose their countries to economic rape
and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets
all over their countryside which will continue to kill
and maim innocent civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent
orange" or depleted uranium, thereby making millions of
innocent civilians sick and causing millions of birth
defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another
country's sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror
suspects" without affording said "suspects" anything
even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in
the form of harmless, tiny little electronic characters
appearing on people's monitors, tablets or cell
phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally only
experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists
for state sanctioned mass murder and the glorification
of war.

.Gerry's Worst Nightmare
2021-04-16 16:26:32 UTC
On 4/15/2021 6:55 PM, N=N+1(1001) aka Gerry Binder, aka Nurse Ratched,
aka Sigmund Froyd, aka Sygmund_F, aka Walt_M, aka waltmitty, aka N=N+1,
aka Jew Hating Nazi, aka GOD, aka TheWiz, aka Commie Faggot,
Post by N=N+1(1001)
FUCKTARD, lying blowhard troll, welfare fraudster fucknut,
terrorist sympathizing, dole-bludging, anal retentive limpdick,
race-baiting, Net Cop Spider, Wanker Spider, Humourless Git Spider,
Control Freak Spider, racist anarchist, cry-bully, village idiot,
ass-licking, sperm guzzling, cock snogging, scrotum sucking, bum
banging, pig fucking, Fritz admiring, animal fondling, wank cloth,
spunk trumpet, thunder cunt, waste-of-rations, spunk bubble
horrenda-cunt, terrorist-supporting, fucknugget.. etc., etc.
So, there's your proof, Bully boB, contained in a library of
well-researched, propaganda-demolishing books.

Troll Gerry's Commie Propaganda List...

You really are a commie faggot...

(This is JUST too easy)

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Gerry Lies
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Projection, Thy Name Is Gerry!
\ (• •) /
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Socialism has been murdering millions upon millions for decades in evil
wars designed to prop up the wealthy elite. It's NOT new that socialism
is willing to kill millions of his own people as their economy tanks
{Venezuela} so the wealthy can maintain power and get richer off the
backs of the oppressed people. Are we starting to see what's wrong with
the World's evil brand of socialism yet, boys and girls?

Lying Gerry's Motto: Lie, Deny and Counter-accuse:
Tell a lie Often and Loud enough and MAYBE someone will believe it:

Got any flight sim talk to contribute here today Walnut?

Let the good times roll...

Hero's war cry: "Keep on hosing the Freedom
Fighters and wasting away the teenagers, so
we can brag about it to the gilded youths.
Let the good times roll!!!

Offense is always free in usenet

Those Offended by my Sigs are generally only self-professed war heroes,
PX warriors, newsgroup destroyers, lying blowhards, Trolls, bigots,
Pathetic Pious Pricks, POSER's, anti-American's, terrorist sympathizers,
anal retentive limpdicks, f*ckwits, lying toxic mega trolls,
race-baiters, Bacon Boys, paranoid schizophrenics and village idiots.
It is delivered only in the form of harmless, tiny little electronic
characters appearing on their monitors, tablets or cell phones.


POSER - Exaggerator

Exaggerators actually served, but inflate or in some cases just
make up important details. These are the kinds of people who,
for example, might have been a cook but want everyone to think
that he was some kind of elite ninja SpecOps killer.
They generally have enough knowledge about the military to fake
it with their civilian friends, but usually get outed quickly enough
when in the company of other veterans, especially those with the
kind of experience that the poser is claiming to have.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING preventing people posting
flightsim and/or aviation related material here except
Lying Gerry and the NoT's intolerance of the rights
of others and their psychological inability to stop
posting confrontational, hypocritical, broken logic,
totally unrelated to simming.

Therefore, please do not complain about any lack of
flightsim and/or aviation related material here if _you_
have not complained directly to Lying Gerry and/or to the NoT.
In the meantime, please enjoy the thought provoking
"off-topic" discussions brought to you by the destroyers
of AGMFS, Lying Gerry and the NoT.
Who knows, they may even fry your mind.

The facts speak for themselves:

Fact [1]: Two control freaks (Lying Gerry and his flying monkey
Cyril), who thought they owned this newsgroup, attacked the rest
of the group and tried to ostracized them because they
occasionally voiced OT Posts.

Fact [2]: Lying Gerry "trolled" insanely for years.
Lying Gerry then blamed everyone else for the destruction
of the newsgroup by claiming he was the victim.

*False Victimization Syndrome*
The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is
harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a
number of well-known cases. – And yet ANOTHER hallmark of your average


2021-04-17 01:33:21 UTC
On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 11:26:32 -0500, Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six,
a.k.a. Truth Sayer, a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare, a Trump-voting,
AR-15 loving, fake news regurgitating, Stormfront, Breitbart, Infowars
and The Daily Stormer reading, obnoxious, lying, defamatory,
gaslighting, cyberstalking, neo-Nazi white supremacist "patriot" TOXIC
ABUSE TROLL who may even be a member of white nationalist terror
groups such as "Atomwaffen", "The Oath Keepers", and "The Base", and
who was majorly instrumental in the destruction of this once fine
flight sim newsgroup whilst exhibiting the classic signs of a massive
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
You really are a commie faggot...
Ahh... This bullshit again...

Tell me, Bully boB, why did (and still does) America wage wars against
socialists in _other_ countries, killing millions and millions of
people (including a huge chunk of the civilian population), when being
a socialist is a perfectly legal thing to be doing in America?

So, if it's legal in America to be a socialist, by what insane "logic"
does America justify waging war upon war upon war against socialist
regimes? And let's be clear, war _is_ state-sanctioned mass murder
dressed up by lies and disinformation to look like a noble cause to
the deliberately disinformed.

Is it because socialist regimes stifle democracy? Well, America does
this too. America's posture has been (and still is) "You can have any
regime you like as long it's 'America friendly' i.e. as long as you
allow American corporations to exploit your people and your resources
- and if you don't, we'll make sure your regime is toppled. We'll even
install a dictatorship if we have to. We'll even invade you if we
have to." That's democratic, is it? Clearly not! That's American
capitalist _authoritarianism_.

Is it because socialism doesn't work? Well, let's think about that
for a minute, shall we, Bully boB? America so severely throttles and
constrains socialist regimes with trade sanctions, embargoes,
blockades, internal undermining (including black ops and
assassinations), etc., that their economies collapse. For America to
then say "See, socialism doesn't work" is a complete scam - it's a
massive Mafia-esque protection racket set up to install American
capitalist _authoritarianism_.

Is it about human rights abuses by socialist regimes? Hardly. The
pro-American dictators (generals, shahs, kings, sultans and emirs)
that America has installed in countless countries around the world
over the years have had just as bad a track record on human rights as
any socialist regime - if not more so. Ask yourself this, Bully boB:
Has America ever invaded a human rights abusing _capitalist_
dictatorship? No! Interesting, eh? Ever wondered why that is Bully
So, the Cold War was/is ABSOLUTELY NOT not about human rights.

Hang about... If it's not about freedom, democracy, human rights or
"lifting them out of poverty", then what is it all about, Bully boB?
Why _did_ America kill millions and millions of people in its wars
against "evil" socialism?

It was _always_ about America's self-serving money-grabbing

Since Woodrow Wilson's presidency it's always been about corporate
profits sucked out of foreign countries and sent back to America, i.e.
neocolonial exploitation. It was _always_ about the economic rape
and pillage of "developing" countries - and a scam called "foreign
aid". Here's an article about a book you might want to read because
it gives you a few clues to America's "foreign aid" scam:

And here's the kicker, Bully boB: Without the said economic rape and
pillage of foreign countries by America's economic and miltary
tentacles, America's economy would totally collapse - it would be a
basket case of Venezuelan proportions.

And now we can see clearly why socialist regimes have been deemed
"evil" by America: Because they disallow parasitic American
corporations to come in and suck the lifeblood out of the domestic
economies of developing countries - and hopefully make them forever
dependent upon, and continue to be, exploited by America. That's a
nice mafia-esque protection racket you guys have got there, Bully

American capitalism is a global parasite keeping the American economy
from collapsing - at the expense of developing countries. Now, you
don't have to be a genius to understand that this tends to breed
anti-imperialist (socialist) thinking in countries thus exploited, and
then, when a socialist regime gets elected, you fucking evil mobsters
start your mass murderous Mafia-esque racket all over again.

As far back as 1934, Smedley Butler, a retired United States Marine
Corps Major
General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient saw it all coming - and
he had this to say (read it and weep, Bully boB):

Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
Gerry is... a terrorist sympathizer...
Bullshit! Gerry has _always_ maintained that he abhors and denounces
political violence of ALL kinds - be it the AmeriKKKan
state-sanctioned mass murder propagandised via massive disinformation
campaigns as wars of "liberation", or the mass murderous _reactions_
and _retaliations_ against AmeriKKKa's mass murderous meddlings in the
affairs of other countries which AmeriKKKa neatly re-brands as
"terrorism". Both strategies perpetuate the cycle of political

Chalmers Johnson wrote an excellent trilogy of well researched books
on the subject of AmeriKKKan foreign policy "blowback", if you really
want to inform yourself:

And once you've got your brain around Chalmers Johnson's mind-opening
elucidations, you might like to further educate yourself about
AmeriKKKa's belligerent, arrogant, self-serving, mass murderous
foreign policy by working your way through the following reading list:

Killing Hope - by William Blum
The Normalization of War - by Andrew J. Bacevich
Dreaming War - by Gore Vidal
A Pretext for War - by James Bamford
Perpetual War [...] - by Gore Vidal
Secrets - by Daniel Ellsberg
A Bright Shining Lie - by Neil Sheehan
Body Of Secrets - by James Bamford
Rogue State - by William Blum
Rogue States - by Noam Chomsky
Rogue Nation - by Clyde Prestowitz
The Last Empire - by Gore Vidal
A People's History of The U.S. - by Howard Zinn
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - by Greg Palast
Hegemony or Survival - by Noam Chomsky
After The Empire by Emmanuel Todd
Tell Me No Lies - by John Pilger
Will They Ever Trust Us Again - by Michael Moore

When you've finished reading these books, Bully boB, you'll understand
perfectly why, all around the world, people are loudly shouting

But AmeriKKKa can't go home, can it, Bully boB? AmeriKKKa's 1000+
massive military bases on foreign soil are a crucial part of its
military industrial complex which, as forewarned by President
http://youtu.be/8y06NSBBRtY has so totally ensnared
the AmeriKKKan economy and its people that AmeriKKKa can actually no
longer afford to let peace break out on the planet because that would
not only crash the AmeriKKKan economy, but also break the military
industrial complex's usurped grip on power. Hence AmeriKKKa's economy
is now totally dependent on war mongering, war waging (US sanctioned
mass murder), arms sales, and global dominance. AmeriKKKa's Mafia-
esque global protection racket now _IS_ the raison d'être of the
AmeriKKKan economy.

To put it bluntly, Bully boB, AmeriKKKa is fucked - and, thanks to you
pricks, so is most of the rest of the world!


P.S. You might get a few more clues from this group of pissed-off
AmeriKKKan veterans: https://www.vvawai.org/section/about-us
Disclaimer: Unlike the VVAW(AI), I do not approve of violent
resistance. I believe that cunning and creative non-violent protest
and resistance can bring down any corrupt regime.

US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
US Rationalisation #1: "We had to
destroy the village in order to save
US Rationalisation #2: "We had to
destroy the country in order to save
US Rationalisation #3: "We had to
destroy the world in order to save
Bully Bob's Rationalisation:
"We 'patriots' had to destroy this
newsgroup in order to save it from
'the Beast of AGMSFS'."

=== It's time to guzzle another Copter_Six_Pack ===

Bob Smith, a.k.a. Bob_Copter_Six, a.k.a. Truth Sayer,
a.k.a. Gerrys Worst Nightmare hates Gerry Binder's
"offensive" sigs. Classic examples of which are as
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
Offence freely given to those who wish to take it.
Post by .Gerry's Worst Nightmare
US war cry: "Keep on killin' 'em till
they submit to our superior culture!
Interestingly, Bob is offended by stuff Gerry has
uttered, but, for some weird unfathomable reason
(maybe it's a "patriot" thang), he is NOT offended
when his own country, America, does the following:

[1] Instigating and waging state-sanctioned mass
murder all over this planet to further its own corrupt
empire and calling that "fighting for freedom and

[2] Conducting, aiding and abetting assassination
plots in other countries because their leaders are not

[3] Training and funding people to overthow regimes
which are not "US-friendly".***

[4] Actively supporting and arming non-democratic,
mass murderous regimes which _are_ "US-friendly".***

*** "US-friendly" is code for "letting American corporations
vacuum huge profits out of their countries whilst
paying local employees peanuts and avoiding local

The only people Gerry (happily) offends are nutjobs
who, like himself, were once suckered into that
mass-murderous shit-storm which is US foreign policy,
but who, _unlike_ himself, refuse to acknowledge the
evils inherent in [1], [2], [3] and [4] above.

These days Gerry's "offensiveness" is NOT
accomplished by participating in or condoning
America's mass murder of millions in order to "liberate"
them so as to expose their countries to economic rape
and pillage by corporations whose major shareholders
"accidentally" happen to be mega-rich American citizens.

Nor by offensively strewing millions of cluster bomblets
all over their countryside which will continue to kill
and maim innocent civilians for decades to come.

Nor by offensively polluting their landscape with "agent
orange" or depleted uranium, thereby making millions of
innocent civilians sick and causing millions of birth
defects for decades to come.

Nor by offensively using armed drones to violate another
country's sovereign airspace to assassinate "terror
suspects" without affording said "suspects" anything
even vaguely resembling due process.

No, Gerry's "offensiveness" is delivered _only_ in
the form of harmless, tiny little electronic characters
appearing on people's monitors, tablets or cell
phones, and his "offensiveness" is generally only
experienced by, and limited to, those who are apologists
for state sanctioned mass murder and the glorification
of war.


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